2018 TEMAC Wings Program Update

Started by sihinch, March 21, 2018, 03:09:18 PM

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As TEMACs new Chief Flight Instructor (CFI) this year, I (@bweaver) would like to introduce students and club members to the 2018 TEMAC Wings Program.

Before getting started, I would like to extend my personal thanks to past CFIs Mike Hazelton, Michael Rogozinsky and Acting CFI Frank van Beurden.  Also many thanks to all of the club Instructors and Ground Crew who support students in becoming comfortable in the club and in learning to fly safely.

Consistent with the existing wings program there is no "wings test" per say administered at TEMAC by the CFI.  Every time you train at TEMAC your abilities to fly are being observed. The path to earning your wings is a culmination of several flights and a few other items. Everyone takes a different amount of time to get there so don't feel that you can just tear your way through and earn your wings in a weekend.

At TEMAC, we take the wings program seriously. Why you ask? Well for starters we like the club and want it to last a long time. That means not risking an injury or lawsuit after a wayward model aircraft ends up on the road, in the pits, or in someone's windshield. Secondly, once you earn you wings, you become a representative of TEMAC; both at our field and at other clubs you visit. We don't want other clubs unleashing terror on us, so we need to reciprocate.

So how does a person earn their wings? Here's what it takes.

1. Show up to training nights ready to fly and with a good attitude. This whole thing is supposed to be fun, so let's remember that.  TEMAC has a number of keen and qualified volunteer instructors who are dedicated to guide and help students achieve their wings.  Early in the program students will receive a Guide from the CFI intended for reference and periodic review.  It contains TEMAC field rules and details of things to strive for and do.  Students are encouraged to bring the Guide with them to flight training sessions.  Having the Guide available will be useful for consulting with Instructors and Ground Crew on specific practices the student is undertaking, in advancing towards their goal of obtaining their wings.

2. Fly a trainer type model with precision and control. Consistently. Which means once you are off the buddy box, fly lots and practice, practice, practice. We're looking for smooth constant control, (without Safe mode), so no mental lapses, stay in the pattern, and don't make your landings look like a fluke. You will have to demonstrate this over a number of times at the club, not just on one occasion. Conditions change and we want to see you adapt to them (examples: can you do both left and right hand circuits, can you fly and land competently in a cross wind, etc.?)

3. Be courteous. Follow the rules (even the annoying ones) call out your intentions, and play nice with the other people at the club. This will result in a safe and fun environment.

4. Become a good member of the club. Get involved. Demonstrate that you want to be a member of TEMAC, not just there to earn your wings and move on. Nobody at TEMAC gets paid to do the things they do for the club in support of everyone else's enjoyment of the hobby. If you take more than you give, then you need to rethink your decision to join.

5. When necessary pretend that Rogo's jokes are funny.  Some truly are.  This is still an important feat to achieve in accomplishing your wings.  (Please refer back to item #3)

If you do all these things, you will obtain your wings. Members of the 'TEMAC wings program team' will individually or jointly make wing recommendations when the time is right.

Not all clubs follow this approach, and this is fine. MAAC lets the clubs decide how they want to deal with this topic and we've had a lot of success doing what we are doing. So charge your batteries and I'll see you at the field.

