TEMAC funfly update

Started by Michael, September 04, 2010, 01:37:35 PM

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The Saturday funfly was cancelled due to bad weather, but we still plan on having the funfly on Sunday.

If the weather is reasonably dry and not too windy, we will have the funfly on Sunday.

The pizza lunch, Formosa racing, auction and prizes will all be held Sunday.

As a back-up plan, we may run into Labour Day Monday, but we'll decide that on Sunday.

Thanks to Jack, Craig, André and Eric who came out early Saturday, but ended up at Tim Hortins for coffee.
Afterward, about a dozen people showed up at the field, and a few of us were brave enough (reckless enough?)
to fly. There were 5 people who flew: Rob and Dave of Pinnacle, Ken Manual, Glenn Nikolaiko
and me. No one crashed but it was challenging to fly in those heavy winds. Amazingly, most landings were excellent!
Shortly after noon, the rain started coming down, and that was enough.
Hopefully, Sunday will be better.

I will post an update Sunday morning.



6:30am Sunday September 5, 2010
It's windy outside and it may be a bit wet, but
the funfly is on today!

The pizza lunch, Formosa racing, auction and prizes will all be held today.
