Red Eagle CG

Started by octagon, April 18, 2016, 05:10:00 PM

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Can anyone tell me the correct location of the CG for the Red Eagle sailplane. I flew the one Jack built that I bought at the auction, but I thought it felt somewhat tail heavy. In the old days at COGG we used to trim slightly tail heavy because it made the planes a little unstable and would help you identify a thermal. But I felt yesterday that the plane was too tail heavy. Anybody have plans they can refer to?
Thanks in advance,
Oh, I was using a 3s 2200 lipo.
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I find that gliders fly better a little the nose heavy (forward CG) as they penetrate better.  But if you're looking for the usual CG location, I would assume it would be at the main spar.


i checked my notes and i have mine at ~90mm

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