Now you've built it what next???

Started by Papa, January 21, 2013, 05:11:11 PM

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My list of still NIB (new in box) is much longer than my 3F's list, however
3F's Probables
FlyFly F-86 EDF
Dumas DH 89 Dragon Rapide (Dad built this one but since I bought it, did the electrics and will do the piloting, it's on my list)
Haoye CT114 Tutor EDF version2 in Snowbird colours (has had one flight so may not qualify)
Scratch built F-35 micro EDF version 2
Since it's still January, these are possibles
Black Horse DH 98 Mosquito
Haoye CT114 Tutor EDF version 3 in Golden Centennaires colours


I think the FFF will need to be a two day event if we're to get all these solo, maiden, flights in  :o


I am going to sneak out and avoid the embarrasment if anything goes wrong... :-*


I agree.  Although the thought of maidening all the planes together sounds like fun, and would certainly be entertaining for the spectators, I don't think it's the best scenario for a test flight of a new plane.

Generally, you want as little distraction as possible, and the stress of having dozens of people watching you is not something that will help your concentration.  Also, it's generally a good idea to pick a day when the weather is favourable, not a day that is scheduled, and must go ahead dispite less than ideal weather conditions.

I hate to be a downer, but...  Cadez started it...


Well, then Wednesdays in the summer is off for sure... Not like I want to show the newbies how bad of a pilot I can be!  ;o)

I tend to do what Robert says.. Find the best suitable day, pre-check all morning. Once the stars are lined up, it's go time...   Cross fingers the Peanut gallery is not there yet.  Fly the plane a bit, trim out and land.  Once that is done.. Pretend that you have not flown the plane... Impress the peanut gallery that the maiden was perfect, then post the video on you-tube.  get 1 million hits and hope it goes viral.  Collect money and start over again.


The previously outlined recipe (ideal weather and minimal peanut gallery)for successful maidens is easier for us retired types. Followed it last November for three maidens...for the two models with wheels, I was alone at ROGO. Talk about performance anxiety!

Frank v B

re: 3F's   --  FFFine!!

re: Cadez's 3F list- Greg, I admire your restraint!

"Never trade luck for skill"


Maybe we could make a collection here of post – maiden photos and videos. That way it's not so much about maidening at an event than it is about celebrating that the maiden happened at the appropriate time.

Sound too boring?


I was thinking, since I was such a downer, I should offer my suggestion for an alternative.

How about we can still have a get together, but call it a New Plane Debut Event.  That way, those who'd like the "experts" to give their plane a once over before the test flight, and have the support during a test flight can do so, and those who'd rather test fly with a smaller audience can do that before the event, then bring out their new model to the event.

I think this would still be a great get together as it'll be one place and time when we can all see the new models at the field.



Not sure I can get all my new planes in the car all at once!  :-[

But I like Rob's suggestion.


Hi Guys,
I have 2 scratchbuilt seaplanes (Junkers 25 and a Boeing L-15) but I won't maiden them at the field , obviuosly.
I now have a p-38 that I have not flown that used to belong to another member so that will be a maiden.
I'm pretty sure that I 'll have more come the good weather.

Actually, I can.


What a bunch of wimps! I put together a nice entertaining event
and you all PPP all over it. Come on you can do better than that!

It's support we want. I challenge you all to step up and become
a part of the solution. Other club's may sneak around and do their
maiden's alone but we're TEMAC and we do it better.


A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"
