FvB on the mend...with the help of TEMAC members.

Started by Frank v B, November 23, 2023, 07:44:34 PM

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Frank v B

Those of you who have enjoyed my silence the last two weeks...It's coming to an end.  ;D

Ten days ago my new right knee (Feb 9 operation) failed,,,miserably.  The bearing plate between the upper and lower joint slipped out completely.
It sounded like a bag of rusty bolts every time I walked. That happened last week Monday.  Thursday into surgery. 

I am now a proud owner of a completely full new knee, care of Scarborough General hospital.

Back into re-hab exercises and and another 4-5 weeks of home pain before my wife gets a break. ;)

There was no end of help from TEMAC:
- Paul Gray finished a job for me while I was still in hospital
- Mark offered to be secondary chauffeur but the weather was fine.
- Simon Hinchcliffe dropped by with reading material and medicine (chocolate covered almonds)
- Andy Hoffer suffered by bringing over lunch on Wednesday after his return from Victoria.
- Regular conversations with Rob D. comparing notes on suffering (his knee was replaced three days before),
Guy,Mark, Paul, Andy and Simon.

Slowly getting back to normal.

"Never trade luck for skill"


Very happy to hear.

Only the best wishes for you, our dear friend!
