May 1st Training Night is a 'NO GO'

Started by bweaver, April 29, 2019, 06:36:24 PM

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Hello flight students and flight instruction team.

I wanted to post the forecast for Wednesday evening.  It doesn't look promising.  :(

Check this topic for an update by 10 a.m. on Wednesday.  I will indicate at that time if training proceeds or not.



Still looking bad.   :'(

I would advise against charging any batteries for tomorrow.


Hi to students and the flight training team.

I don't want to prolong the inevitable any longer so that people can readily make other plans for tomorrow. 

I was at the field earlier today. The runway, taxiways and driveway by the field is still really wet and subject to further damage if we are not careful.   

Refer to the Weather Alert provided below.  It is cautioning that there is the likely-hood of significant rain over the next 24 hours.  For this reason I am cancelling tomorrow nights flight training at this time.

Let's give it another week. 

We have a great flying field.  The delay will help to keep it that way.

I hope to see many out at field spring cleanup that had been rescheduled to this coming Saturday (also due to rain).

Frank v B

Here is proof someone was disappointed when Flight Night was cancelled.  Notice the pair of Mallard ducks in the river just south of Stouffville Sideroad at the entrance to the field.

Photo taken at 4:30 Wednesday.  One minute later it started to pour.

"Never trade luck for skill"