Membership Inquiry

Started by John Redden, June 04, 2014, 10:33:33 AM

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John Redden

Hi There!
I am currently a member of Ajax RC and am interested in joining your club, especially since I heard a rumour that you folks have installed a new runway?
I love my scale WW1 warbirds but our field here has been a bit rough on them for takeoffs and landings and I get my jollies being able to pull off a good landing so you can understand my interest.
I still wish to stay with Ajax  so am wondering how much it would cost to get a membership with you.



Hi are correct we do have a new geotex runway (thanks to Eddie for the video)

Swing by the membership page to see a break down of the fees:


"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"

John Redden

Thanks Greg,
Looks impressive! That's almost a must-have for small scale electrics these days. I'll bet everyone's thrilled to have this now.



Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.