138-2012 TEMAC Tickler, Fun Fly Report 1.

Started by Papa, September 03, 2012, 10:32:09 PM

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A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Thank you all for organizing this great day.
...Waiting for the next event

-Where can we see Andy's photos?


Eric Adventurer

That was an awesome week-end.
Wow! That pic with the Rob and Colin's plane battling for space is incredible!



I'm glad Colin won  ;D  I couldn't care less about my plane (except that I'm now down a float plane), it's just an ARF.  I was really concerned about Colin's plane knowing that it's a work of fine craftmanship by Andre and a beloved part of Colin fleet.  I'm glad he was able to perform an awesome recovery and land with relatively little damage.  An evening in the shop will have it as good as new.

Sure does make for a great picture!  Good work, Andy!



Quote from: piker on September 04, 2012, 10:42:12 AM
I'm glad Colin won  ;D

I know in this hobby these things unfortunately happen from time to time but I still feel like crap about the whole thing cause losing any plane (be it ARF or otherwise) just sucks. I do however feel fortunate to have been able to control the plane because it was heading straight for the pits.

The fact that I could control it with a broken wing is not a testament to my piloting skills but really a true testament to the buiding skill of Andre! The structural integrity of the plane was such that it held up enough for me to be able to land it in a safe area. Andre, thanks again for such an awesome plane!

BTW, in spite of me basically destroying his plane, Rob was still gracious enough to offer me his little Rascal to fly throughout the rest of the day. (since I had nothing else to fly after losing my Decathlon's prop!)  Now that's CLASS!  :)


P.S. Andy I don't know how you do it my friend but that series of shots was just amazing. Here's one that clearly shows the broken wing.

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


I've known Robert nearly 20 years, and he has always been, and continues to be, a classy guy!

As far as this hobby is concerned, whether building and flying, or comradely and helpfulness, he inspires the best in all of us!

We are lucky to have Robert, and so many other terrific people in TEMAC.



I think you guys are still drunk from the TEMAC Fun Fly After Party   ;)

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: wollins on September 04, 2012, 11:20:20 PM
Quote from: piker on September 04, 2012, 10:42:12 AM
I'm glad Colin won  ;D

P.S. Andy I don't know how you do it my friend but that series of shots was just amazing. Here's one that clearly shows the broken wing.

Thanks Colin.  My spidey sense was really tingling and telling me something nasty was going to happen.  So I just watched and waited!  The rest was serendipity.


Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Bobmic on September 03, 2012, 10:52:02 PM
Thank you all for organizing this great day.
...Waiting for the next event

-Where can we see Andy's photos?


Hi Bobby:

I will be posting a gallery of images freom the Sept Fun Fly soon.  In the meantime please send me a personal message with your email address and/or phone number and I will get in touch with you.  If you can describe your plane(s) I will check and see if I have any images I can send you.

Best regards,

Andy Hoffer


BTW, I forgot to thank Rob, Ed  and ? (I cant remember who the third guy was but thanks to you too!) for finding my Decathlon's canopy on that Sunday.  Sometimes you get so caught up in the excitement that you take others around you for granted! That would have grounded the plane for at least a week or so until I had ordered a replacement so thanks guys!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Andy Hoffer posted some great photos of the event on the main TEMAC.ca site.
Have a look: http://temac.ca/?p=689