Toronto Electric Model Aviation Club Forum

Toronto Electric Model Aviation Club (TEMAC) => Flight Instruction => Ryerson Training => Topic started by: Frank v B on June 11, 2016, 07:05:11 PM

Title: Ryerson Flying June 11
Post by: Frank v B on June 11, 2016, 07:05:11 PM
The TEMAC welcoming team (Graham, me) were already at the field at approx 1:15 pm when the Ryerson team showed up trying to perfect their autonomous flight system on an HK Bix 3.  We had 3 flights in some significant winds (35 plus km/hr) and the airplane made it back in one piece each time.  The second take-off was a little amateurish when I punched it, a gust of wind hit a wingtip and flipped (rolled) the plane.  Put the wheels back on and stood behind the plane so I could point it 100% upwind and punched it.  It took off in about two feet and was 10' high before it was 10' in front of me.  Wow!

Andy warned the Ryerson boys when he wrote: 
"P.S.  Expect Frank to be doing his happy dance – winds are forecast 20 gusting 30 knots (37 gusting 56 kmh)!  This should give your GPS guidance system a good workout!! J"

So right.  So nice a day.

I flew my Golden Oriole power glider for a long flight while the students were prepping their plane.  This plane was courtesy of Eric Adams helping dispose of an estate over the winter.  Put an Eflite 480 on the nose and a 3 cell battery.  Flies fine. Lots of thermals today near the road.
