Selecting a Training Airplane

Started by thehaze, April 18, 2013, 01:12:10 PM

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Training tonight is cancelled due to the wind.  I post on this forum weekly about the status of training.

You need to contact Andy about membership. I'm not allowed to handle the cash. :-)

There are quite a few people with spektrum radios. But I don't guarantee anything. So you need to decide for yourself if you want to rely on other people to get you in the air.

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


    Thanks Mike for the new privileges last week! I've decided to take your advice and step up to a more beefier plane. I picked up a Sensie last weekend!
    It's too bad tonight's training was cancelled. Guess I'll install more LED lights on the wings.

Tnx agn,


Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Just bumping this thread to the top, for new 2014 students.

Great advice in Mike's initial posts on how to select a first plane.


Just saying I think the original post should be modified to say that we have the geotex runway now :D

And just to add onto that post now that I know a little more than I did back then.
Balsa planes, however hard they are to fix, if treated properly are a great trainer. I originally had an Art-Tech Cessna 182, but it kinda fell apart (accidentally?) And so I bought an E-Flite Leader 480. Its great plane which I got my MAAC wings on.

Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.


Hi everyone,

I'm on the verge of joining TEMAC and have been spending the fall/winter training with Phoenix flight sim and my Spektrum DX6i controller.  I visited my local hobby shop and found the plane I want to start with...Hobby Zone Corsair with safe technology.,4843.msg30362.html#new

I understand and have read the post about staying away from war birds as a trainer...but with 3 modes (Beginner/Intermediate/advance) and safe tech, could this be a good trainer plane? 
I think someone is currently training on the Corsair at TEMAC.

BTW this comes as a RTF, but if I already have a DX6i do I need to buy the controller it comes with?  I was thinking of just buying the trainer cord and mate it to the instructors that ok?




Hi Ash,

Welcome to the forum!

I have some opinions on this, which you may not like!

When we train, we ALWAYs teach with SAFE off and the airplane in expert mode. We do this based on 2 things - first your instructor is your "safe" mode and will rescue the model in a bad situation and second, you will learn to fly more correctly if you understand how the model reacts to YOUR inputs and not those of a computer.

So you don't need safe!

Also, we do expect the student to provide both the Master transmitter and Buddy Box. You cannot always rely on the instructor having your brand of transmitter and it's not always fair to expect the Instructor to have a set-up for your model in their Transmitter memory. Sorry if that sounds harsh.

As for the aircraft - I have flown and taught the student on the Corsair a number of times. It is possible to learn on that plane if you really want to. But in my opinion it doesn't fly as well as a true trainer. I would still recommend a trainer.

Therefore I would recommend either the Apprentice (if you are a Spektrum/Horizon Hobby person) or the Multiplex Mentor or a Sensei.  I also hear the Art-Tech trainer is good but I've never flown it.

Hope this helps.


Hi Ash

Welcome to TEMAC.  The Corsair S is a beautiful plane.  I used to own the Corsair S too.  Maybe I can answer some of your questions

1) Your DX6i is fine to bind to Corsair S.  (HobbyZone comes with two version.  RTF /w Radio and BNF /wo Radio.  You can buy the BNF version) However, make sure you read the manual thoroughly in page 12.   As you know, SAFE has Beginner / Intermediate / Advance modes.  To operate, the radio requires a 3 position switch.  If you look at your DX6i, there are lots of two position switchs but no 3 position switch.  Page 12 in the manual will explain how you can get away with that by using two 2-position switch to toggle B/I/A modes.  It will be difficult to operate while you concentrate flying your plane.  Let the instructor help you (As Simon suggested).  They are better than Beginner and Intermediate mode.  :D

2) The Corsair S RTF comes with a special DX4 radio with 3 position switch and the panic recovery button programmed to the bind switch.  For your DX6i, you cannot programmed the panic recovery to bind switch.  Instead, the panic recovery button locates in the FLAP switch (0 and 1).  It will even more difficult to active this function.  Leave this to instructor to assist you than finding the panic recovery button.

3) If you purchase the Corsair S RTF, then you have two radio.  All you need to do is purchase the training cord. And you are all set for training with our instructor. 

4) If this is your first plane, you need to be aware the following
a) This plane is very "floaty" and at times just does not want to come down. This has nothing to do with your flying skills, nor its SAFE feature; it's just the nature of this plane. There is a good chance that you will overshoot the landing area and land on grass.  And if you cut the power too early, it will stall badly (it's because the low wing design).  Until you master the landing skill for low wing plane, be prepare to frequent visit LHS to get new props and landing gear.

b) This plane is notorious for nose overs to landing.  Technically you can overcome with mod but it only reduce the nose over percentage.  Take off can also be nose over because this is a tail-dragger plane.

c) The plate that support the landing gear is very weak.  And with learning how to land, you will keep gluing the plate. 

d) The color of Corsair is a navy blue color.  It can be difficult to see (even they have the white arrow at the vertical stabilizer).  Dust, Overcast sky - it can be a challenge. (There is something that computer simulator cannot teach you)

I hope this help. 

Note: I agree Simon's suggestion too.  Get a high wing trainer, training cord and 2 radios and attend our training nights. 


Again, please don't buy an aircraft based on the SAFE system. We do not use it when training - in fact it usually causes more problems and issues than help.

And you should really attend our training program with 2 transmitters - one as the master controller and the second for the buddy box.

And I stand by the previous post of mine that a high wing trainer is a better option to learn with. Can you use the Corsair? Yes! Is it ideal? I would say "No"!


Thanks guys for all your good advise.  I didn't know training was done with SAFE mode off and in expert mode.  That definitely changes things, I will look at getting a RTF high wing plane as my starter and trainer cord. 

I hope to be at the TEMAC field this evening just to meet with some of the instructors and get an idea on how the training program works.

Thanks again for your great advise.



Hi Everyone,

It was great coming out yesterday and meeting Jack, Simon, Rob, Dave from Pinnacle and so many others. Everyone was so friendly and open to talk too.   Thanks again for all the information and great advice on a trainer. 

Think I found the plane, thanks Simon for the suggestion.   Will hopefully sign up to the club tomorrow and shop for a plane over the weekend...fingers crossed.
