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General Discussion / Re: Flying - December 25, 202...
Last post by Gregor77 - December 26, 2024, 08:06:02 AM
Thank you for sharing the pictures. They look fantastic. It's now time to start throwing on some skis on some of the airplanes.  Looking forward to the fun fly January 1st. Thank you!
General Discussion / Flying - December 25 and 26, ...
Last post by Michael - December 25, 2024, 05:24:07 PM
Flying -  December 25, 2024

6 TEMAC members came out to fly today. It was cloudy and a bit cool (about -1C degrees), but there was essentially no wind. If you were dressed appropriately, it was comfortable. Taking off and landing in the snow was easy and fun; repeated touch-n-goes were the most fun!

Here are a few photos (more later as Andy provides them to me).

1. Felix, Loy and Andy.
2. My Seagull and David's Widgeon after a flight.
3, 4 and 5. Andy's Funtana on skis, flying over the field.
6. Kenny flying his Icon.
7. Kenny's helicopter.
8. Andy taking photos of Kenny's helicopter.
9 and 10. Kenny's helicopter.
11. Loy preparing his Icon for flight.
12. Kenny's Icon making a low pass over the field. The shadow is just perceptible.

General Discussion / Re: Adjusting the center of gr...
Last post by Oscar - December 25, 2024, 01:50:34 AM
I used to own the Habu STS but I was using 4S 4000mah and 3S 5000mah.  Mine was spot on with the CG.  I wasnt using the IC3 lipo and so its on the heavier side (I think my lipo was more furtherback).  I do find if you turn on SAFE it will feel its tail heavy (like to climb). 

General Discussion / Adjusting the center of gravit...
Last post by byronvoyle - December 24, 2024, 10:24:25 PM
Hello, I am adjusting the center of gravity (CG) for the Habu STS aircraft by E-flite. Currently, I am using a 3S 4000mAh battery and have pushed the battery all the way forward, but it seems that the center of gravity is still not at the recommended level. I estimate that I need to add about 25 grams at the front.

Based on everyone's experience, is my alignment correct? Thanks.
Building / Construction / Re: Dumas ACE 17" sloop conver...
Last post by Frank v B - December 23, 2024, 11:06:05 PM
Mast finished.

Everything hooked up to the servos, main, jib, rudder.
The mast looks great in proportion to the boat. 
Much more realistic than the broom sticks supplied in the kit. :)

- attach the sails to the mast/booms.
- float my boat for the first time.  It has not seen water yet.

Building / Construction / Re: Dumas ACE 17" sloop conver...
Last post by Frank v B - December 23, 2024, 05:39:16 PM
Friggin' in the rigging.

Now the mast.  Replaced a lot of things:
- a hollow carbon rod for the mast , jib boom and main boom.  Half the weight of the wooden dowel and 3/4 the diameter (windage).
- replaced the cotton thread stays and shrouds with wire- no stretch.
- replaced the bowsies (rope adjustors) with proper turnbuckles on the backstay and main shrouds.  (Thanks Ken Coleman estate).  Significantly more accurate.
- replaced the brass tube and hook eye spreader supplied in the kit with aluminum and piano wire.  Lighter weight and better looking.

Problem: drilling a larger diameter hole through the carbon mast will weaken it. The screw eyes holding the shrouds are heavy.
solution: drill a small hole through the carbon mast, push a small piece of piano wire through it, slip aluminum tubing over the piano wire and inset heads off two cotter pins to capture the wire shrouds.

Photo shows the parts- left side is the new, right side is the old supplied with the kit.
The cotter pins came from the 1/4 scale Du-Bro hinge and were cut down, glued in place.

The piano wire was glued into the mast, the aluminum tubes glued over the piano wire ends and the cotter pins trimmed and glued into the ends of the spreader.

One day closer to spring!


General Discussion / Re: New Year's flying- Jan 1 2...
Last post by Andy Hoffer - December 23, 2024, 02:33:57 AM
Don't forget your bathing suit snow pants!!

Andy 😎
General Discussion / Flying off snow ... Sunday, D...
Last post by Michael - December 22, 2024, 05:13:33 PM
Very cold, but sunny with blue sky, and virtually no wind. Andy, George, David and I were flying; everything from a jet, flying wing, acrobatic and sport planes, and float planes and a plane on skis.

General Discussion / New Year's flying- Jan 1 2025-...
Last post by Michael - December 22, 2024, 05:12:42 PM
From Frank ....

Every New Year's day we meet at Tim's and then at Rogo Field for a quick flight.
Come join us at 10 am Tim's Woodbine. then we go to Rogo Field for 11 am for a quick flight....depending on the weather.  In the past, we have spent minutes at Rogo Field as well as several hours.  A game-time decision.

After flying we tend to return to Tim's to warm up.

Hope to see you there.

Building / Construction / Re: Dumas ACE 17" sloop conver...
Last post by Frank v B - December 22, 2024, 03:48:40 PM
Cut in the hatch & Make the hatch.

- cut through the balsa deck
- made a hatch frame (coaming) out of left-over pieces (photo 34- death by 10 clamps!)
- made a hatch that fit around the coaming. photo 28
- added a touch of class- did hardwood strip bright work on top. photo 51
- finished hatch. Still have to sand the top flush and varnish it. photo 07
