Pay for your membership, or risk losing it! (... and some photos from today.)

Started by Michael, March 07, 2024, 06:36:29 PM

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There are still a few members (paid in 2023) that have not renewed their membership for 2024. You must pay for your membership (and MAAC, and have your RPAS) to fly at TEMAC. Those that do not renew (pay for 2024) by the end of March, may lose their opportunity and privilege to fly at TEMAC this season. We have a waiting list of people (not yet members) who want to join TEMAC. We will start letting then join in April, until we reach our limit of about 110 members.

It was nice weather today, and about a dozen members came to fly.

The last photo is of Rob flying landing his scratch-built Bronco. If you look carefully at the previous 2 photos (Jan and Glenn), you can see Rob's plane in the upper left-hand corner.
