Ryerson (TMU) training started again. 3 visitors on May 10, 2023

Started by Frank v B, May 11, 2023, 09:14:19 PM

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Frank v B

Rogo Field was graced by three Ryerson (now TMU) students at the first training night of 2023.  William, Levi and Maya dropped by with their trainer....held together with epoxy, Tuc tape and aluminum tape.  If ugly planes last longer, this one will last forever.

William was awarded his wings.  He is a very disciplined flier.  It great to watch him from a distance...without a buddy cord.

Maya had two flights and survived both of them.


ps: the Apprentice trainer was donated by Malcolm Cullen when he retired from the hobby... and I crashed their original one.
"Never trade luck for skill"