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Building / Construction / Re: Dumas ACE 17" sloop conver...
Last post by Frank v B - December 13, 2024, 10:54:32 PM
Before putting the deck on:

- SERVOS: added 3 servos- one for the rudder, one for the jib and one for the mainsail.  The servos were HS 81's
- RUDDER: installed the rudder post about an inch behind the location on the plans.
- SHEETS: installed tubes for the jib sheet, main sheet, rudder pushrod.

Going further
- replaced the mast dowel (12 grams) with a carbon rod (9 grams)
- replaced the main boom at half the weight.
- replaced the mahogany deck with hardish 1/8" balsa wood.  I have decided to fibreglass the hull for waterproofing reasons.  For those who have built a boat before you will understand that water gets in everywhere no matter how tight the joints.  The old deck blanks were 49 grams.  The balsa deck is 23 grams.
- gave it two coats of 50% thinned epoxy on the inside for waterproofing reasons.  Thinned it with de-natured alcohol.


General Discussion / Re: An Unexpected Flying Day :...
Last post by Noah - December 13, 2024, 06:25:35 PM
yup flying went well. aside from the frozen fingers i did what i came to do today

will have to do some readjusting on the plane but otherwise itl be ok
General Discussion / Re: HobbyKing Avios Sports Haw...
Last post by Noah - December 13, 2024, 06:05:05 PM
ii find these planes too expensive for me. i see a possible freewing mig 29 in my future but thats over half the price of this 105 for about the same scale and power
General Discussion / An Unexpected Flying Day : Dec...
Last post by davidk - December 13, 2024, 04:57:26 PM
It was supposed to be high west winds today.  All morning I'm looking out my front window at the sunshine and not seeing a branch move.
Noah was to be at the field around 2:30 with his new F-16 for George to maiden so I took a chance and headed out.
Very little wind today... NW for the most part, some West, but entirely flyable.  Cold, but sunny and little wind.
George did very well with the F-16 and then Noah did beautifully as well.  2 excellent take-offs, flights, and landings.
There was just enough snow on the ground so that landing threw up a little wispy cloud of snow from the wheels and exhaust.
Jeff and Andy few as well and Andy got some great shots today.
General Discussion / Re: HobbyKing Avios Sports Haw...
Last post by msatin - December 13, 2024, 01:33:11 PM
Interesting that HK has come out with several somewhat more "expensive" planes in the past few months.
e.g. The Super Tucano pnp @$735.
Not in the range of this one, but still a bit on the pricey side.
General Discussion / HobbyKing Avios Sports Hawks A...
Last post by davidk - December 13, 2024, 12:48:36 PM
Just add...
105mm EDF for $560
160A ESC for $200
20A BEC for $40
A 9 CH Rx for $200
An Rx battery and batteries for the 12S system

And it can be all yours for $2,325+

I hear so often that this hobby is dying and I've never understood that.  Despite the idiots at MAAC this hobby is alive and well.  HobbyKing must believe they have customers for this jet.

General Discussion / Re: TEMAC Winter Flying - Dec ...
Last post by Noah - December 12, 2024, 03:15:02 PM
going ahead with the maiden plane is ready to go. hopefully gonna be there around 2:15
Building / Construction / Re: Dumas ACE 17" sloop conver...
Last post by Frank v B - December 11, 2024, 10:57:16 PM
Now the customizing starts:
- need a hatch to access the radio.  Placed balsa stringers on either side of the main balsa center brace.  These will become the edge of the hatch.  The deck will be glued to it.  Photo 95 as built.  Photo 99 with the center brace cut.(red line).  The red arrow points to the servo rail.
- proper chain plates (side deck attachments for the main hold up the mast).  The plans show eye hooks.  Not right.  Used plate brass and glued it to the inside of the hull.  Red arrow on photo 97 points to the new chain plate.  Side view in photo 91
- proper rudder- used a deeper more modern spade shape, partially balanced.  The rudder shown on the plan is not balanced (no rudder area ahead of the rudder post). See photo 94.  Red arrow points to the rudder on the plan.
Will also move the rudder further back- more responsive/better tracking.


Trading Post / Re: 64mm Futura for sale
Last post by Knightlite - December 11, 2024, 09:59:29 PM
I'll take it.
Trading Post / 64mm Futura for sale - SOLD!
Last post by Dusty B - December 11, 2024, 09:57:50 PM
Looking to sell my 64mm Futura EDF. It was a great introduction for me to flying EDFs but I've moved on to bigger and greater machines and need to recover some storage space. Well flown model with lots of flights under its belt (127 flights) but still in great shape with only cosmetic marks you can expect on a foamy jet that's a year old.
Looking for a quick sale so only asking for $150 ready to fly - just fit your own receiver. Great first EDF jet.

I've been flying it on 2 x 4S 3300 Zee packs and a 2200 pack with no issues. I fly for 3.30mins and usually land at 3.8V per cell. I can sell with batteries if required, just ask.