Toronto Electric Model Aviation Club Forum

Toronto Electric Model Aviation Club (TEMAC) => General Discussion => Topic started by: jimconnell on April 03, 2006, 09:26:26 AM

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: jimconnell on April 03, 2006, 09:26:26 AM
Hi Everyone

After reading about others who have been able to get flying this year, I was determined to try this last weekend (April 1~2) if the weather would cooperate.  Well Saturday was a wash out but Sunday was clear and bright without too much wind.  So off I went.  I arrived at our field about 1:00 pm. and a couple of things surprised me.  The first was just how good the field appeared to be for this time of year and the second was the fact that there was no one else out there flying with these conditions.  (did we lose some trees at the north end of the field over the winter?)

This being the first flight of the season, I took a far amount of time checking that everything was tight and ready to go.  I lined my plane along the smoothest strip of grass and tried to take off.  I got about ten feet when my left wheel hit a hole and the plane started to cart wheel over, but just before it crashed the same wheel freed itself, hit a bump on the ground and my plane jumped into the air.  From there I was able to crawl into the sky but it was clear that something was very wrong.  The motor sounded very rough and my plane was all over the sky.  (More than usual!)  I flew a couple of circuits trying just to get it fly straight and level before attempting to land but no such luck.  So I started my final approach and considering the situation probably made my best landing ever.  Upon inspection it would appear that I lost half of my propeller during takeoff, which seemed to account for all my trouble in the sky.  (I didn't know a plane would fly with a one bladed propeller) I replaced the propeller rechecked everything and hand launched the second flight in which the only trouble I experienced was from my own flying ability.

I posted this because I thought others should be aware that the field does have a fair amount of holes so you really need to be careful taking off or landing.

Hope to see you at the field soon.

Jim Connell
Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: Michael on April 03, 2006, 01:03:00 PM
We must have missed each other by only a few minutes.

I flew 4 planes from noon to 1pm.

You're right, there are holes that catch wheels fairly easily. Takes-offs are tricky, but landings seem no problem.

I would suggest, now that the grass has grown in so well, that we try to flatten the field to some degree.

Do others agree with me, and does anyone have any ideas on how to do this, or who can do this?

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: slo-poke on April 03, 2006, 07:00:45 PM
I would suggest, now that the grass has grown in so well, that we try to flatten the field to some degree.

Do others agree with me, and does anyone have any ideas on how to do this, or who can do this?


Save the flattening for a pair of pants.[;)] With the heavy clay soil we have ,rolling it will compress it more and force out all the air which grass roots depend on . I would suggest that the low spots be filled in with compost,loam or at worst topsoil . This would level the field and allow ther grass to speediliy fill in the bare spots. This doesn't have to cover the entire field at once ,  rather areas the are used for take off first.
Healthy lawn= happy lawn=flat lawn.
Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: Michael on April 04, 2006, 07:34:53 AM
Filling in the holes with soil sounds like a good idea to me (maybe we can even mix in a few grass seeds into the soil).

It's also probably a cheaper and faster solution than "flattening" the field. If 10 or 12 guys go out one morning, we could probably fill in most of the field in a couple hours.

Good idea John. Thanks.

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: rkhoo on April 04, 2006, 10:56:57 AM
One little, two little, 3 little pot-holes, four little, five little, fill-it-up-with-composit. :)-
Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: piker on April 04, 2006, 06:58:10 PM
Let me know when.  I'll bring my trailer and get it loaded up at the garden place down the road.  That is if you think we need that much fill.

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: Michael on April 04, 2006, 08:40:04 PM

We'll discuss it at the AGM for a few minutes.

(TEMAC members make up 20% of the EMFSO).

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: slo-poke on April 05, 2006, 10:19:20 AM

Let me know when.  I'll bring my trailer and get it loaded up at the garden place down the road.  That is if you think we need that much fill.

There's a compost producer just north of the field on Aurora side road.I'm sure it'l be cheaper than bying it from the garden center. also  alot of municipalities have free compost give- aways in the spring. If people keep an eye open for that it would help. If everyone that could would bring a bushel of compost or loam it would help a lot.
Re.. the amount, your trailer might cover 100 sq ft.
Seeding and fertilizing right now would also be good .


Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: slo-poke on April 05, 2006, 10:22:38 AM
QuoteOriginally posted by Michael

Filling in the holes with soil sounds like a good idea to me (maybe we can even mix in a few grass seeds into the soil).

If you do add seed ,don't mix it in. Grass seed has to be on the surface so the birds can find it. The real reason is grass seed needs moisture and sunlight to germinate.
Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: piker on April 05, 2006, 09:59:14 PM
Re.. the amount, your trailer might cover 100 sq ft.

I thought we were talking about spot filling.  Not raising the level by a foot  [:)]

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: Michael on April 06, 2006, 10:46:17 AM
The forecast for this coming Sunday is 10 degress C.

How about this Sunday at noon, or so?

And if it's not too windy, we fly too.

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: piker on April 06, 2006, 11:42:00 PM
Ugh!!!!  I'd like to come out and help, and I may be able to do so, but if you're looking for the trailer it's currently unavailable.  I won't have it back on the road until late next week.  Hitch issues.

Doesn't matter anyway.  Slo-Poke says we need a few dump truck loads  [:D]

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: bfeist on April 07, 2006, 01:21:13 PM
if this is happening this sunday, please post here and let us know. It might be a good idea to make it an "event" on the homepage of the site.

Benjamin Feist - EMFSO Website Developer
Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: Michael on April 07, 2006, 02:09:04 PM
If the wind is reasonable light (15km or less), I'd be willing to confirm that I'll be there noon Sunday.

Whether we work on the field or not, I'd be ready to fly.

Anyone else?

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: gordonbw on April 07, 2006, 10:10:24 PM
I'll be there.... Michael, I'd be grateful for the opportunity to borrow your wire bender.

Gordon Braun-Woodbury
"How on earth do I land this thing?"
Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: Michael on April 08, 2006, 01:44:39 PM
I'll bring the wire bender.

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: gordonbw on April 08, 2006, 07:14:44 PM
I've just been informed by the better half that I have a family brunch to attend tomorrow.  So I probably won't be able to bet there before 3:00 or do,

Gordon Braun-Woodbury
"How on earth do I land this thing?"
Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: Michael on April 08, 2006, 08:55:42 PM
I can't hang around that long.

I still plan on going up to TEMAC tommorow about noon (depending on wind conditions); I will post conformation in the morning if anyone wants to join me.

Remember to bring boots. It's still fairly muddy.

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: Michael on April 09, 2006, 10:07:09 AM
I plan on being at TEMAC at about 12:30 this afternoon.

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: Michael on April 09, 2006, 03:13:46 PM
It was MUDDY! Very muddy; much more than my previous times out.

And the field was hole-ier and bumpier than last time.

I guess the previous cold weather has affected the ground.

I did a bit of flying, but the muddy conditions actually made it less fun (a crash far out in the soft muddy field resulted in no damage to a fiberglass fuselage!).

It will probably be the beginning of May until things dry down enough.

Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: pmackenzie on April 09, 2006, 07:53:12 PM
Ivan and I were out in the afternoon.
It was pretty muddy.
Still well worth the trip out.

More pictures here:
Pat MacKenzie
Title: Flying on April 2
Post by: rkhoo on April 10, 2006, 11:31:09 AM
I was there with my EasyStar, EasyBug and EasyCessna...well, it's Cessna 182.

With about 10km/h wind, I tried my first #D-hover job with my EasyBug...20 feet up.  Needless to say, it flip-back and don't have enough distance to recover.  Nosed-in but lucky no damage.  It barely able to keep up with the head wind.

The Cessna is a lot more fun close to sunset.  The wind had clam down a lot.  A 10 minutes flight ended with w mis-judge landing in the soft-mud field.  No damage except the heavy mud-bath ;)

The day is ended with blowing bubble with my son and having some sandwitches at the field.