Toronto Electric Model Aviation Club Forum

Toronto Electric Model Aviation Club (TEMAC) => TEMAC Newsletter => Topic started by: sihinch on November 22, 2015, 06:58:28 PM

Title: 2015-62 TEMAC Tickler, Fall Fun & Build Class
Post by: sihinch on November 22, 2015, 06:58:28 PM
Don't forget the build class on Wednesday 25th November at Colonel Mustard's pub.  Again, for those who dont know, we meet for dinner from 5pm and then go downstairs around 7pm to start class.

Robert and Frank will continue with demonstrations. People can then build if they like, in class, or bring their questions and kits to get questions answered or advice from others.

Also, don't forget our AGM & Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 9th. 

TEMAC Board elections are due this year.  All of your existing Board of Directors are willing to stand for election in December - so if you'll have them back, they'd be delighted to continue serving TEMAC.
But in the December elections, we are looking for a new Board member.  The preference would be for someone who would be willing and able to do what Jack did, but we could re-distribute tasks if this sounds less scary.

As a Board, we meet 2 or 3 times a year, but most business is done via email, and other than that we all just try to support the flying and planned club events.  We try to operate as a Board by the motto of the club and have fun whilst we do business.

If you feel that you could help your Club, and are willing to invest the time, please see an existing Board member to submit your candidacy.

Title: Re: 2015-62 TEMAC Tickler, Fall Fun & Build Class
Post by: Frank v B on November 22, 2015, 07:51:53 PM
re:"Robert and Frank will continue with demonstrations."

Simon, you make it sound like Piker and I are leading a counter-culture. ;)  If we are teaching how to build with balsa... then maybe we are.

See you Wednesday.
