I will be there regardless of the weather.
We dodged a bullet last Wednesday.
We flew and the rain stayed away except for about two minutes when it spit a little.
Students David, Omar, Tony and Amir flew. Instructors George and Philip showed up to help. Philip was back after about a 7 week trip out of country. Great to have him back.
Mark and Paul were continually challenged with getting two Spektrum transmitters to talk the same language (buddy boxes).
Photo Report:
99- George and Omar buddy boxed. Don't know who suffered more.
00- Philip returned with a smile.
01- Paul caught stealing his own wings.
03- Ali's Dragonfly was maidened. Had to tune things down. Very quick roll rate. Had to cut the aileron throw by about 60%. It settled down nicely each landing. Flew hands-off once trimmed.