I will be there with a plane.
Come out and fly.
The rain stayed away. We flew but it was hot! Omar and David showed up. Jeff could not be there because of a friend's health issue. We got to do some of our own flying. George's grandson Marcus visited again.
Photo report:
14- George and Marcus after his plane spit out a wing half in flight.
17- Omar. He had to do a nose job on his plane. The motor broke off.
19- George playing with Marcus' electronic Etch-a-Sketch. He couldn't find the on-switch.
21- Paul focussing on his plane...somewhere in the sky.
22- Mark, Marcus and George creating/solving problems
24- the aliens have landed. Colin allowed Marcus to watch the through FPV goggles while he flew his Corsair.
Interesting- it stayed dry at Rogo apart from about a dozen small rain droplets. On the way home. It poured on the 404 between Buttonville airport and Finch Avenue. It stayed bone dry in Midtown. Weird.