Hi TEMAC Pylon Racers I am holding a race on Sun. Sept. 22/24. Hope to see everyone and bring a friend or a new pylon racer with you. Start Time 11:00 and we are planning a cook up after the race.
Will have to pull out my trusty Pogo and start practising.
Quote from: Frank v B on August 11, 2024, 03:52:41 PMWill have to pull out my trusty Pogo and start practising.
Frank Can you pm me your email.
Hey Guys,
Not that any of us are that serious about rules for Orangeville Racing and you dont have to change a thing if you dont want to.
However, they made a change to the prop. we now fly a 9x6 electric race prop. its not really any faster in the air, but the the take off speed and ground handling is way better. bigger volume of air going over the tail for straighter take offs and more up up and away. if you have some, try it out. i will have a few extra props if you would like to borrow and give it a try.
should help a bit on the lush Orangeville grass!
Orange is the special one, so if attending an event, its the only approved prop. people can easily see it.
but Grey is just fine.
Who is out doing laps getting practiced up for our race on Sept. 22? Hope to see a good turn out of Temac guys.
Captain Ken,
I had my Pogo out last Wednesday night and last Sunday.
You should be shaking in your boots!
Cory, Thanks for the info on the props. Two observations:
1) nothing will make me go faster except delaying the brain farts* after the 10th lap.
2) I am used to the squirrely nature of the Pogo on take-off. Why change now?
* most of us have control issues at one of the three pylons before the 10th lap (a full race). Delaying it to the 11th lap is heaven!
Frank Do you know if Vadim is coming to the race, just trying to get a number of pilots coming.
re: "Frank Do you know if Vadim is coming to the race"....I hope so. He is giving me a ride!! ;)
Temac update:
- got in Pogo flights on Wednesday and Sunday.
- Vadim crashed his EF-1 race plane. It was totalled. He is switching to his back-up plane.
- just picked up a new 4S 2600 mah battery this afternoon. That should bump me up to second last place.