The servo reverser for the nosewheel servo (which is on the same channel as the rudder servo) for my Grumman Tracker project was causing excessive non-stop servo loads which were contributing to overheating of my stand-alone SBEC. Since I only needed to reverse one servo I decided to try an online method. This only required some simple but delicate soldering to reverse the electrical connections of the motor and potentiometer inside the servo. Mission accomplished and the servo is working fine, in the reverse direction of the original configuration. Opening, disassembling, and re assembling the servo for the micro surgery were straight forward. Tweezers or fine needle-nose pliers are handy for this work.
Perhaps this is old hat for you guys, but I had never done this before. It's a very simple fix and takes less than 10 minutes to do. (BTW the servo is a Hitec HS82-MG. This method is applicable to many other servos.) So I thought I would share my experience.
Andy Hoffer