We will be there regardless of the weather. Hope to see you there.
Here is hoping Vadim can come out and do some circuits with his EF-1 pylon racer.
I will bring my repaired Pogo.*
* will have to replace the rudder servo and repair some structure (glue joints dried out). A typical E-Flite problem with the older balsa ARF's.
What a beautiful evening. Light wind down the runway, warm, sunny. Then the sun started to go down, the temperature dropped and the mosquitos came out for dinner.
Instructors Philip and George helped Groundie Mark with the student. ;D
Kenny flew up a storm with his 3 jets, George flew his repaired plane (Stinson Reliant). I got in a flight with my Pogo Pylon racer and the smaller Mini-Breeze.
Omar received his wings with a great flying display showing complete control.
Amir showed up and had at least 4 flights care of instructor George.
Photo Report:
35- Mark felt confident enough to fly his AgWagon that has been looking at him for at least 2 years.
37- Philip getting his Formosa ready.
38- George returns after his scale flight. 30% of the flying was inverted.
40- Omar shows off his new MAAC Pilot Badge.
42- Mark congratulating Omar on his wings achievement.
43- Omar and his award.
Congratulations Omar - Well deserved!
Earlier in the day ....
Mark with his Piper Pawnee, David with his Skywriter biplane, a shot of it landing, and an image of me with my newly built Raven jet.