A gusty day. Jeff and Amir came to train. Jeff had about 4 flights but lost his landing gear on the second flight. Ditched the landing gear and we hand-launched the trainer for 2 flights.
Philip dropped by to train. Mark, Paul, Andy, Omar and Kenny showed up to fly. Mark coached from his lawn chair.
00- Jeff powering up his palne.
01- Paul with his new Super Timber.
03- Omar showing off his wing repair. Of course when he re-built the missing wing tip (white) someone found his original wingtip in the field.
04-close-up of Omar's new wingtip. Note the Frankenstitching on the splice. Missing the Frankenbolt.
05- Hi, Mark on the phone with a member of his fan club.
07- Philip when training was over.
@Frank v B 's reaction to Andy's arrival. Close examination shows Frank's uninterrupted laser focus on the clouds!
Another point of view ....
(Good job Jeff,
@deltawing ,
@Omar and
@PG54 !)
Nice photos. Thank you, Andy.