YESSSSS! Real winter with real winds. It's a balmy 1.3 degrees Celsius (not sure of wind chill, but it's probably -6 degrees Celsius).
Winds are gusting to 37.7 kmh out of the northwest. Takeoff glide (roll) with my Mini-Funtana on skis was 2 ft, followed by a true vertical lift-off with zero pitch angle!!
You have GOT to try this!! It is HUGE fun and absolutely exhilarating!!
Cheers all,
"Snowballs" Hoffer
Wind update at 2:59 p.m. !!!
Is the runway shovelled during the winter?
No it isn't - and nobody should even try!
Shovelling will severely damage the runway material!
The whole field is your runway in winter. Just put on skis and you're good to go. A bit tricky with jets, but certainly doable, if a little rough on the aerodynamics!!😂😂
i dont think the f16 will handle it. and the hawk had a little accident at home so no jets for me. im gonna wait till the snow clears before i head out again
Maybe buy an inexpensive 3S2200 capable used prop plane with conventional fixed landing gear on RCCanada ?
Winter is too beautiful and refreshing to spend hibernating. And flying on skis is really neat - they make rooster tails and wakes in the snow. I can help you with rigging the skis with rubber bands and string tension lines. DuBro makes excellent inexpensive skis which I have used successfully on several aircraft.
I can't I'm completely done with spending money on flying until like mid summer. Not only did I buy the f16 I bought 4 6s 5000 batteries. No extra cash. If I had some more money I might get a baby habu
Well, have a good winter repairing stuff and maybe even scratch building in the basement. Wishing you and your family a beautiful Christmas!
Hey Noah,
As of 3:55 pm today (Friday Dec 6) the runway is clear of snow. Winds are WNW at 15 gusting 25kmh!! Sky is overcast.
Andy 😎
i might try for friday
if snow doesnt fall until then maiden is gonna happen
Skies are on!
Ready for a take-off from the snow.