New Guy on the forum

Started by Bob Byrnes, July 11, 2011, 10:12:39 AM

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Bob Byrnes

I am brand new on this forum. I have been flying EDF now since last year after many years of glow/gas R/C planes.
I am still very much on the learning curve and will be lurking on this forum to read what you more expereinced fellows have to say.
I'd like to learn more about powering scale and semi-scale warbirds (my favourite).
I hope to get out to your field soon and perhaps to join up.
I presently belong to the Whitby club, but, the "electric only" component of TEMAC is becoming very appealing to me.
Best Regards and Thanks for letting me "lurk and learn".


Hey Bob!

Welcome to the forum.  Feel free to ask any questions you may have.  We're happy to help.

BTW, you should make your way to the first ever TEMAC War Bird Day on July 17th.



Hi Bob, you will be most welcome at TEMAC. Come along any evening and bring what you have. We have instructors out most evenings although Wednesday is Official training night but Clair our Chief Flying Instructor is very generous with his time and if the weather is good he will be there most evenings around 5:00pm. Not that you would need flying instruction if you have your wings but we have a lot of Electrical savvy members who, although still very young, go back to the bad old days of the beginning of electric model flight.

Jack Higgins
A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"

Bob Byrnes

Thanks for the welcoming words.
I hope to get out to your field one day soon.
I am a convert to electric after many years in the hobby and have a lot to learn.


Most of the members are really nice to hang around with, and can be quite helpful.

*** Edited, edited, edited. ****

I hope no one saw that. I'm in a dark mood.
Such racist, prejudiced and insulting statements are not welcome on this website.




Great Grandfather... WHAT?!!!!  Bruce, you're not even old enough to be a grandfather!

Oh, and I think Michael's finally lost it.  I've seen the signs for a while, but I think he's finally cracked.  I guess it must be the "grandfather" a second time that's pushed him over the edge.



"BTW, I figure that Michael (usually the soul of diplomacy) must ahve been having a really bad day, made a crack on the forum and then realized what it was moments after clicking on "post".  We've all done things like that. I figure that's how I managed to collect my "smites"...."

Anti-"smites" scare me.


Quote from: byrocat on July 13, 2011, 08:44:40 PM
applause = positive karma = "Atta Boy!"

Instant karma's gonna get you.


Quote from: Michael on July 13, 2011, 05:07:19 PM
Anti-"smites" scare me.

hee hee thanks for the morning laff i needed that ;)
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"