I am resigning as President of TEMAC

Started by Michael, October 06, 2011, 10:21:30 AM

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8 years ago, with the encouragement of a handful of other pilots, I started this terrific electric RC flying club.

I am extremely proud of what has been accomplished.

Now that the club has grown, I am finding myself unable to properly meet the challenges and responsibilities for continued success and growth.

I hereby announce my resignation as president of TEMAC as of new club elections or December 31, 2011, whichever comes first.

I suggest (and I'm willing to help) that TEMAC members hold an election to form an executive board that will maintain (and correct issues within) the club, work with the EMFSO and MAAC, and continue to provide for its members.

Among the most pressing issues are updating of incorporation, establishing bylaws, and safety issues.

We have money in the bank, and conservative financial projections cover the expense of our 2012 lease, grass cutting, new fences, general expenses, etc.

I intend to remain a member of TEMAC. I would also be willing to remain as a flight instructor, or in a lesser position on the TEMAC board.

If we are unable to form a new executive before 2012, I will formally dissolve the club, return payment for 2012 memberships, and cancel our lease.


Let me be the first to thank Michael for all his hard work in forming and running the club.
The success of the club is largely due to the efforts and hard work of the founders and the
enthusiasm of the members. The club is a supper club with a very active membership of 65 members.

Now that we are entering a new phase that will redoubtably add new members it will be important
to share some of the responsibilities that Michael undertook singlehandedly. As the club grows we need
to have the members step up to help maintain the ideal of safety - fun - courtesy that Michael supported.

Here are some suggested responsibilities:

Field maintenance.
President/lease negotiator.
Safety Officer.
Chief Instructor/ Instructors.
Event coordination.

The club would have to hold elections but if you are interested put your name forward in a post below.

Thank you Michael for all you have achieved.

Jack Higgins.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


I would like to also thank Michael for the great job he has done!!

I would continue to help the new president with flight instruction.

"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"

Andy Hoffer

Glad to lend a hand for a good cause.  Count me in. 

I can count up to 20 (10 fingers,10 toes), so I could do Treasurer.

I would also be happy to do occasional surveillance flights over the field (from a safe altitude, of course) for periodic safety checks to ensure we're no more than 1/4 mile north of Stouffville Road and observing proper traffic pattern protocol.  ::)

I'm pretty good on a barbecue so I can help Frank or whomever cook burgers and dogs, or even tightening up the film covering on balsa & ply planes, at fun fly events.

And I love biochemistry, so I am more than willing to take a crack at cloning some Michael knock-offs in my shop to help fill the enormous talent and dedication gap created by Michael's resignation.

Michael, thanks for creating such a great place and community to fly in.  We'll do our best to keep the faith !!


Andy Hoffer


What! Dissolve the club? Never! If TEMAC went away I'd have resort to some desperate measures. Like flying in a club that allows gas and glow power, or gasp.... Spend time with my family!

We must carry on. Michael did the hard part, we can do the rest.

A big thanks to Michael for all his work over the years TEMAC is a great place to fly.
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Agree, Michael did a great job, actually everyone has been great. We need to make sure that the club is active for a long time. 


Im joining the club for next season.  I have flown mainly solo for the last few years but my models have out grown my area 51 flying area..  the reasons I have chosen to join TEMAC are from the great experiences ive had in a couple visits to the field.   Nice field and the gang that Michael has attracted to the club have been great!  My only hope is that the club can continue to go forward with the same feeling as it has had every time ive been there.  EMFSO has been my introduction to TEMAC and they have been a super influence in my intrest in joining!   Thanks Michael for developing this club to where it is now.  You have a bunch of supporters and the new members list speaks for itself.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Thank you so much Michael for creating a great place for us to fly together. I hope to still see you at the field having a great time as always. I can't believe it has already been 8 years. I'm member #5 :)



Hi fellas been a year and a half since i was at the field i'll be glad to say i'm back in town and will be joining again next year and thank micheal for everything.  This club is awsome i  learned to fly at this club and got my wing, meet alot of great ppl, thanks clair for helping me alot giving me flight instruction almost everyday lol.  This is Chi by the way for those who know me and for those who doesn't i'll be seeing you around the field next spring...     


TEMAC must continue! TEMAC's energy, enthusiasm, friendliness and knowledge of the RC hobby make the field a wonderful place to enjoy and learn how to fly "toy airplanes and feel like a kid again"! (Michael's phrase) What more could any RC enthusiast ask for?
This season was my first with TEMAC and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks Michael for creating TEMAC! 
I am willing to help out but really feel my lack of experience with the hobby and TEMAC would limit the contribution I could make. Come on you experienced types! Step up to the plate!
TEMAC freshman


Quote from: CTD on October 15, 2011, 03:40:50 AM
Hi fellas been a year and a half since i was at the field i'll be glad to say i'm back in town and will be joining again next year and thank micheal for everything.  This club is awsome i  learned to fly at this club and got my wing, meet alot of great ppl, thanks clair for helping me alot giving me flight instruction almost everyday lol.  This is Chi by the way for those who know me and for those who doesn't i'll be seeing you around the field next spring...   

Welcome back Chi.
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Hi Chi, great to hear from you, we missed you. You missed some great flying. See you in the Spring.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


I would hope that anyone on the future club executive would be an active flyer!  LOL
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Please note the following good news:

The lease for the TEMAC field for 2012 has been confirmed.

Also, I have been told that next year's crop will be beans again, not corn.
Also, I have been told that the following 2 year's crops will be beans and clover; not corn.


No corn!  Sweet!!!

Hey Ed, I guess that lets me off the hook   ;D
