TEMAC RC Flight Instruction May 16th

Started by thehaze, May 16, 2012, 11:27:44 AM

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Tonight's forecast is calling for winds in or around 25 km/h with gusts approaching 50 km/h. These are not suitable conditions for flight instruction. Therefore instruction has been postponed until tomorrow Thursday May 17th to allow for more favourable conditions.

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Conditions for flight instruction are excellent. Instruction will begin tonight at 5:00pm
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Wow, a great night for flying.

There were a number of first time pilots at TEMAC tonight and lots of fun was had.

Let's hope for good weather next week so we can do it again!

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Congratulations to all TEMAC pilots who participated this afternoon/evening.
Everyone flew well, and everyone had fun.
At some points there were four trainers in the sky at the same time, and there were no crashes nor accidents.
There were some really excellent takeoffs and landings!
Everyone dealt with the evolving wind conditions very well, and I'm pretty sure everyone went home happy.

Thanks to Mike Hazelton, our Deputy Flight Instructor, for keeping the mood happy, productive and organized.

I also flew my own planes a bit, Jack flew his jet, and Mike and Greg did some Formosa race practice just before sundown - LOTS OF FUN!