Offer: E-Flight J3 Cub 25 wing and tail

Started by bfeist, July 01, 2012, 10:49:58 PM

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My E-Flight J3 Cub 25 nosed in at the Oakville funfly. The nose smashed to the leading edge and I'm not repairing it.
If any other TEMAC member has this model I'm happy to offer them perfectly intact wing and tail feathers as spare parts.

Let me know if you're interested.



Hi Ben

I can fix it.... I would be willing to take the smashed bits... lol!


Sure thing. I'm not coming to TEMAC this weekend (about to go camping). If you'd like to grab it quickly you're welcomed to drop by my house (Bloor and Runnymede area) this week, otherwise I'll bring it out to the field the next weekend I'm flying.



Give me a call and I can head over 905-616-0201.