Dx7s strange model memory issue please help

Started by Gregor77, September 01, 2013, 09:31:32 AM

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Strange issue. While setting up the blue nose on a previously used model memory. I noticed the battery level at 4.7 and plugged it in. I then turned on the radio as it charged for an hr. changed the wing type to include flap. Turned off the radio. Came back an hr later as we were going to do some taxi tests. Plugged the plane in and the flaps go to mid pos. the retracts start to go crary and don't react to control switch. Same as the flaps. Nothing. I then think the rx died. I swap that out and it does the same on an orange. Then think the radio is messed. Change model and check another plane. Fine everything works. I put everything back again and it freaks out again. No gear or flap and servos going crazy. But I had throttle and control surfaces. So I then despise to clear the model memory for that plane and reset it. Rebind the model and its fine. Anyone have the same issue?  I have an ar6210 with sat.


Don't know about your specific problem but I have an AR6210 with a DX6i and it works fine.

A guess maybe that there was some type of mix enabled??

Sorry, I don't have many ideas. Good luck solving the problem though :)
Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.


Oh, iliyan had the same problem with his trojan (using dx7). It had something to do with where everything was plugged into the receiver and the wing type on the radio. Fiddle with those for a bit and see what happens.
Any day at the field is a good day :)