Phillips Speedtwin ST2 Scratch Build Blog.

Started by Papa, December 03, 2012, 03:58:25 PM

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Quote from: piker on March 15, 2013, 10:44:28 AM
What's going on here?  Is Bill building the same plane?

Good to hear some activity on the Speedtwin again.
I'm glad to hear about the Speedtwin again too. No, I'm not building the same model, but I have gotten back to building the Crane, aka Bobcat, aka Bamboo Bomber aka T-50...and since it's a plans build similar size to Jack's, I'm once again asking an expert (Jack in this case) how to do things. So much to build, so little time to build it!


Hi all, well I started back to work on the twin. I had to stop while I built the Norseman and then a Cricket. Both successfully maidened and are being readied for the winter. So I did my share of scratch building while I was away from the Twin.

I finally got up the courage to vacuum form the canopy. The result was a little disappointing but very informative. I made it 12" square and should have made it bigger for the size and depth of the draw I needed. I made a number of attempts before I ran out of stock. I went ahead with the best but managed to get glue all over the place so it is not a thing of beauty. I will come back and do a better one when I build a bigger vacuum box.

I have the stab and fin installed the wing is almost covered. and will start to cover the fuselage later today. I used a mixture of old and different covering and that was not smart. The covering job is very much a "stand off" affair.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"



Andy Hoffer

She's a beauty Jack.  Where did you heat your plastic for the vacuum forming?  Was your wife home when you did it ?!!  Any domestic discussions that are worthy of publication??!! 



I heated it in the oven.
She was out for the first ones but home for the rest.
The first one I let it heat too long and I got an impression of the oven rack on the canopy.

Does anyone know a good, inexpensive source for the film?

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"

Andy Hoffer

Have you tried Plastic World on Sheppard Avenue (north side, just west of Dufferin)?  I find them to be an excellent supplier of plastics and fiberglassing supplies.



Hi Jack,
Twin looks wonderful! Depending on how much clear plastic you need and how thick you need it, I may have enough left from my efforts pulling the canopy for the Crane.  LMK what you need. I bought a fair bit of the stuff as it's cheaper in big sheets.
My vaccuum box is 12x12" too! And like you, the results were not entirely satisfactory. We'll chat at the pilots' meeting.


Well it's finally done!. I have to put two pins in the canopy and shrink a few wrinkles. Everything works and goes in the right direction. Balance looks good, neutral to slightly nose heavy. I may put in a bigger battery for the maiden.

Had a problem with the reverse rotation spinner. The thread was about 3/32" shorter and the nut was binding on it. The boss of the props I'm using is very narrow. I did not have a suitable die to extend the thread. I used an extra washer that had the same diameter hole. Ran up well with no vibration. Initially the cowlings and the spinners had an interference problem, quickly solve with some judicious carving with a # 11. That requires some recovering.

I have not put a meter on it but it seems to have plenty of power and with the reverse rotation no torque issues.

Next up is Laddie's Northstar, The Skywriter Scratch Build, and an Airspeed Courier.

I love building!

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Congratulations Jack! This looks fantastic.

What a wonderfully unusual and unique model. I can't wait to see it fly.

One question - where did you get your reverse rotation spinner from?



I bought them direct from MPI (MAXX Products).

They are the 44mm ones. Beautiful machine work except for the thread on the reverse one as I discovered,

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"




very nice work...can't wait to see her in the air.
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Great build log. I want to see a wintery maiden video now :)


Blue camo will look perfect in front of a wintry ROGO background! Great job! Good luck with the maiden!


Very nice, Jack!  Congratulations on an excellent scratch build!   :)