CF-18 Hornet build

Started by Tom M., October 09, 2013, 06:51:23 PM

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Tom M.

I've got a fair bit done since the last update- 16 days of "vaycay" sure isn't hurting. :D I hope you guys are also having a good break and getting some shop time.
Prior to joining the rear fuse halves the speed brake mechanics needed to be finished, so balsa struts were let into the panel, hardwood bearing blocks added and servo install finalized. A telescoping rod (styrene and aluminum tubing) is made and will simulate the hydraulic cylinder the full size has to raise the brake. The pivot rod is 5/32" titanium- very light and not expensive, obtained on Ebay from "Titanium Joe", I think.

Tom M.

  Front end of the fuse is now attached and at 62" the jet is feeling bigger. Re-shaping of the intakes is done (finally) and ready for glassing. Carbon tubes (arrow shafts) were let into the wings using a handy router attachment on the Dremel and aileron and flap servo pockets were also machined out. Small openings in the rear spar allowed routing of the servo wiring inside the tubes.
The wings, along with their control surfaces, have had the "Fliteskin" applied, a relatively quick and easy way to finish a foam (or balsa) wing that's extremely strong and also ready for paint with no furthur prep need. Downside is it's heavier than glass/epoxy- maybe 3oz. for both wings, but I'm OK with that, considering the work saved. Seeing as how how stiff the skinned wing panels are there was probably no need to extend the spars out as far as I did, but no matter.


The CF-18 is coming along nicely, Tom.  I like the mechanisms... but a titanium pivot rod?  Really?    ;D

I'll have to Google Fliteskin.  Sounds interesting.

Tom M.

 Titanium is not only light, it's cool 8) Check it out on Ebay Rob- was maybe $20 shipped for 6 pieces, 12"x 5/32. This is aerospace, afterall.
  Fliteskin is a great product, I'm discovering- used it today on the underside of the LEX's (Leading Edge Extensions). Should give them sharp, durable edges.