TEMAC field condition

Started by Frank v B, March 22, 2015, 08:29:33 PM

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Frank v B

Was at the field today (Sunday, March 22) and it was 99% clear of snow.  The only snow was at the edges of the runway (2" wide) and a small section at the south end of the runway.  The frost had pushed most staples above the runway by 1/2" to 1 1/2".  Graham and I walked the perimeter and the centre joint and all staples are flush now. The runway cloth was wrinkly but it should shrink with the heat when (and if) it warms up.

The ground was hard because of the -8 temperatures overnight and the minus 4C when we were there.  The sun however melted the ice and softened the ground at noon.  The edges of the driveway were soft but the gravel helped immensely.

Pretty soon we will get the edict from the almighty Jack that we cannot drive on the driveway.  You have been warned. :) 

Another day closer to summer!

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer


Hi Gang:

Fantastic conditions at the field this afternoon!!  Temp 5C, wind chill 1C, Brrrrrrisk west winds (280 at 12G18KT (22 kmh gusting 32 kmh)).  Ground not too soggy, but definitely a rubber boots, parka, toque, scarf and gloves day.

Great day for cross-wind takeoff and landing practice.  Yumm!  And a bit of Nooner exercise to keep Simon from getting complacent. 8)

Staples were only back up 1/4", but I walked the lines anyways and pushed them back in so the geese wouldn't take them!

Now if only Frank had been there to leave some goodies behind....


'Snowballs Hoffer

Frank v B

Look who finally thawed out. ;D

"Never trade luck for skill"