
Started by octagon, July 12, 2016, 08:30:21 PM

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So, started charging batteries at 1 pm when there was just a wisp of wind. Got to Rogo about 5 or so, and the wind was a bit less strong than Hurricane Hazel (ya, I am old enough to remember that) but not too much less. The good news was it was from the south and so strait down the runway. Decided to fly my trusty Eflite P51. Lifted of the ground in about 12 inches and man where those downwind low passes fast! Landing was, well, I have made more scale landings, lets just leave it at that. Second flight I decided to see how slow I could pass down the runway. I was actually stopped dead in the air by the force of the wind and just kind of hovering. I actually managed to climb while not moving forward. Kind of like flying a kite. After 2 flights and landings thought I would not push my luck and headed home.
What could possibly go wrong?


Rob - I remember your P-51 is running 4S, right?   :o  Good decision to go home.   :D