Frank, Richard and Alex want to collect

Started by bfeist, June 24, 2017, 01:35:04 PM

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@Frank v B , you're on the hook.

Frank v B

Been on the hook for years!

I will be at the field with the Club Apprentice tomorrow (Sunday) 10 - 1.  They can collect with interest. :D

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

I keep encouraging @Frank v B to consult the weather forecast when planning his flying outings, but he just won't listen!

He would have loved the big winds and sunshine today! Good luck in the thundershowers tomorrow! 8)


Frank v B


You are still alive.   ;D  Wow!!
One day closer to your retirement.  Put in your application now for the Morning Crew.  They have a long wait list and they move slowly on approvals.... because they call it "work".

re: "He would have loved the big winds and sunshine today! Good luck in the thundershowers tomorrow!" 8)

You just don't seem to get it.  Flying model airplanes is an escape from reality.  If it pours, so is sitting at Tim's.  I just define "escape" more simply than you do.  You define it as "flying".  I define it as "out for the morning... hopefully flying model airplanes"
The main difference is that I never get disappointed. 8)

Your flying buddy,
"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

So Andy....

re: "Good luck in the thundershowers tomorrow!" 8)

I got to the field today at 9:30 in glorious sunshine.  Graham was already there enjoying the warmth.  It could best be described as "ThunderSun".  I brought 6 planes, flew 5.  Ethan and Alex came out and I flew about 30 minutes on the buddy box on their Apprentice.  Then at 11:46 a few drops of rain fell and I still flew my Skywriter biplane.
Then I left at noon after Greg Cadez brought a black cloud with him.  Obviously making a delivery on your behalf.  When I was at the Woodbine Tim's there was a quick shower.

I am either too fast for you or you are too slow for me.  Take your pick. ;D

Life is great


ps: photo copied from Oscar's "Anyone flying..." post.  Yes Andy, I am the one being trained on the buddy box. :D
"Never trade luck for skill"