Flying Sunday June 16, 10am-12pm. GO!!!

Started by Frank v B, June 14, 2019, 11:01:53 PM

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Frank v B

The weather looks iffy but I know Bruce is trying his best to keep the rain away. ;)

I will make my go/no go decision at 8 am Sunday.  If I stick my nose out of my front door and it gets wet.... I will be returning to my rabbit hole.


"Never trade luck for skill"


We obviously have two different weather predictors/forecasters/fortunetellers Frank.   Come get the lettuce, nice fresh lettuce.  :-*


I am planning to be there around 2pm. 


I'll be up at COGG throwing planes at the sky

Frank v B

What!  No snow, no rain, no gale force winds and a big red ball in the sky.
Am on my way. 8)

"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

Today's photo report

89- Chris failed his symmetrical crash lesson.  He should have cleaned out both retracts so he could fly again.  Oh, yes.  He smiled!
90- Flap-man assembling his Timber.
92- Jim Spence solving a broken prop issue.
94- Dave assembling his trainer rocketship.
96- Flap man holding his plane.  Back-breaking work so he could not smile at the same time.
97- Mike coming back from planting foam.
99- Don took his son Graham out for a trip to the field.

More to come.  Have to go out for dinner now!

"Never trade luck for skill"


It was a great fathers day at TEMAC. Lots of flights, and a great warwings fight, Bruce was smiling ear to ear with the new spot to put Carlos' name.

Frank v B

Video on the Warwing battle was terrific.  Carnage alright.

Back to the morning visit.  More photos:

00- The brain trust fixing Dave's Aprentice
02- The other brain trust... sitting on their brains. ;D
05- Dave loses his prop while his technical advisor hides behind his hat.
06- Richard launching Jim Spence's plane
o8- Peter grinning ear to ear.  He brought out his speed planes.


"Never trade luck for skill"


Maiden flight on the HK Avios HU-16 Albatross flying boat.  I removed the water rudder to avoid the damage.  Battery runs on 4S 4000mah.  As always, the Q/C of HK is hit and missed.  For mine, Elevator servo is replaced, the Flaps needs to file and adjust in order to go down properly.

This is a very similar design of Sky Mule / Bush Mule.  It has a reverse servo function so you can switch to reverse for taxiing on the water.  For land, this is not necessary.

The plane has lots of power and took off is very easy.  It's a very scale plane and it flies beautifully.  Side Note: On my second flight, I flew it along with Glenn's float plane in some formation flying.  It looks really cool.

Flight time is about 8 mins with 3.77v/cell remaining.  Mostly on half throttle.

Thank you Bruce, Carlos and others who helped me maiden this plane.  :D


Yes it definitely was a great fathers day.  A great time at the field topped off with a fantastic round of combat and then dinner with my son's family.   

Yes Carlos had the better of me.  He zigged, I zagged and after an abrupt stop, we both gently floated down to earth together.  I think the last time I saw something as pretty was when Simon and Michael fluttered down together last year at the north end of our field during a Warwing race. 

Anyways, great participation by everyone that flew in the challenge including Oscar with a non-warwing wing, but his plane was just as effective trailing two ribbons.  Also, a welcoming shout goes out  to Gary who maidened his new Warwing, then took it up for his first combat challenge at Rogo field. He did very well, only suffering a flesh wound.

Great videography by Gray and thanks for posting the carnage Vadim.

Great day of flying and comradery as well.  Lots of people, lots of smiles, lots of different interests.  Good on everybody who came out.

I guess I won't be asked to hand launch one of those fast little flying wings again.  Sorry about that Mr. Heggins...  :(  next time I need more preflight instruction if you dare to ask me again.

Unfortunately  I was not able to stay long enough to watch Dan and Brandon take their 1:42 scale biplane into the air.  It looked beautiful on the ground.  I could only imagine what it looked like flying.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)