Super Scorpion... Not so super right now...

Started by SeeFernando, August 10, 2019, 04:04:06 PM

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So pilot error of flying without enough power in gusty winds lead to me planting some foam today...

It doesn't seem like a total loss, the tail feathers are perfect.  All the electronics are fine, the esc pushed forward and the cap bent up a bit, but it seems to work fine.  I tested the motor and it spins up fine.  Not sure if there is a better way to test it.

Where to begin with repairing this...   or should I just look to buy a new fuselage and wing?


Hot water may restore some of the shape.

Sorry Chris.


Sorry to see the shape it is in.

Blue foam may restore the fuselage with a little ingenuity. It looks like the front portion of the fuselage could be readily reconstructed if the hot water doesn't provide the desired shape.  The wing looks like an easy repair.,6084.msg39574.html#msg39574


Seems I left a little early.
Sorry to see that Chris
You never fail until you stop trying


It flew beautifully today... it was fast and looked great.  You flew it well. 

Frank v B

Chris- Planting foam eh?  We never taught you to do that!

I would agree the easiest way to repair it would be to cut off the nose and re-build one out of blue or pink foam.  Shape with a knife and sanding block.  Eyeball everything from the nose that you cut off.

50/50 rule applies.*


*if you cannot see the repair at 50' and 50 miles an hour, don't worry about it.
"Never trade luck for skill"


Thanks y'all!  I had no idea about this hot water trick!  Apparently it causes bubbles/crocodile skin affect, and you should rub the outside of the foam with an ice cube right after applying hot water to prevent it.

I'm excited to try to restore it, but I'll likely do a hybrid with some blue/pink foam.

Any tips on getting the wings aligned and checking if the spars are still good?

Frank v B


Any way you can bring it to the field this coming Wednesday night.  I would need to see it to check the spar and how to repair it if it needs repair.
Ten of us can give you at least 15 different opinions.  ;) ;D

"Never trade luck for skill"


Sadly I'll be in Brockville with a client all week next week, but I'll bring it up the following week.  Thanks Frank!


Hot water is pretty dang amazing!

Ice Cubes really help with reduce the bubbling!

I'm getting excited to put this puzzle back together!  Even got a few ideas to make the layout internally a bit better!



Way to go Chris!

It is true that they do fly better once they've been crashed and repaired, too!


Keep posting the progress, Chris... it's really good to see.


Slow progress on the Scorpion.  Apparently leaving the plane in a pile in the garage only goes so far...

Started gluing up the nose the the wing.  I followed @Frank v B 's advice and poked 5 minute epoxy into all the cracks with a toothpick.

for the wings, I opened the cracks up a bit, applied the epoxy to all but a few spots, then I added hot glue to those spots and held the wing in position till the hot glue dried.  The last picture shows the top of the wing where it will mate with the fuselage.  I need to find some fine fiberglass to keep this "smooth as butt".  I focused on making this these top surfaces maintained their shape and height, so the fuse will mate properly.

Ended the weekend with the wing and nose complete.  Next will be to reform the fuse with the hot water magic!


That's looking... er... super.

Keep working Chris... and posting.
