Flying this Sunday July 19, 9:30 am-noon

Started by Frank v B, July 17, 2020, 07:22:36 PM

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Frank v B

I have some catching up to do.  I am planning to be there this Sunday.


ps: Happy to help you with a maiden* or a test flight.

* bait for Andy. ;D ;D
"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Frank v B on July 17, 2020, 07:22:36 PM
I have some catching up to do.  I am planning to be there this Sunday.


ps: Happy to help you with a maiden* or a test flight.

* bait for Andy. ;D ;D

Photo 1: Just to be clear about what @Frank v B is talking about.  (bait gladly taken!)

Photo 2: Between sweat and rain there should be ample runoff, providing an excellent opportunity for Frank to demonstrate his considerable nautical and aeronautic skills in a float flying tour de force (farce?!!) in the TEMAC polders.  8)


Frank v B

Andy, Andy,


I commit to going.  You only commit to getting going. ;)
By committing to going, and if it rains, I can put on the brakes faster than you can find the accelerator when you discover nice weather..... because the weatherman is wrong...again.

Frame of mind. 
Glass half full versus half empty.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

The weather man sure was great this morning (Saturday July 18).   8)

We missed you!


Frank v B

Perfectly nice morning for flying.  Mark, Jan, Bruce and I showed up and had a fine visit.  Jan joined us last year in the fall and only managed to get in 3-4 training flights.  This was his first time out this year.  We wore masks and Jan provided disinfectant wipes.  Now there's a keeper!  Mark will post a photo of the flying session with me sporting my new Graham McNicholl mask.
There was a nice bright yellow round ball in the sky when we started.  Slowly Andy's revenge started showing up..... best described as a parade of progressively more sinister looking clouds.

Flew my UHU glider twice, Mark's new Timber was trimmed out, Jan had two complete training flights with his AeroScout.  On top of that we solved all the world's problems and left before there was even a drop of rain.

Photo 1- Jan after his training flight.  Note: airplane still in one piece.
Photo 2- Mark in his capacity of flight judge.  Mark's conclusion..... Jan is fine, Frank needs work!!


ps: Andy, you warned us about the 60% chance of rain.  Why is it that three of us could figure out that if we did 100% of our flying in the remaining 40% probability that we have have a great day. ;) ;)
"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B


re: your earlier post "we missed you" (Saturday)

Get used to disappointment.  Best said in this scene from the movie "the Princess Bride"

"Never trade luck for skill"


Frank and Yan
Frank looking very dapper in his custom designed, made to measure, one of a kind face mask, provided by world renowned "Face Mask to the Stars" designer - Graham McNicholl :)
You never fail until you stop trying

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Frank v B on July 19, 2020, 03:01:07 PM
Perfectly nice morning for flying.  Mark, Jan, Bruce and I showed up and had a fine visit.  Jan owned us last year in the fall and only managed to get in 3-4 training flights.  This was his first time out this year.  We wore masks and Jan provided disinfectant wipes.  Now there's a keeper!  Mark will post a photo of the flying session with me sporting my new Graham McNicholl mask.
There was a nice bright yellow round ball in the sky when we started.  Slowly Andy's revenge started showing up..... best described as a parade of progressively more sinister looking clouds.

Flew my UHU glider twice, Mark's new Timber was trimmed out, Jan had two complete training flights with his AeroScout.  On top of that we solved all the world"s problems and left before there was even a drop of rain.

Photo 1- Jan after his training flight.  Note: airplane still in one piece.

Photo 2- Mark in his capacity of flight judge.  Mark's conclusion..... Jan is fine, Frank needs work.


ps: Andy, you warned us about the 60% chance of rain.  Why is it that three of us could figure out that if we did 100% of our flying in the remaining 40% probability that we have have a great day. ;) ;)

Hey @Frank v B ,

1. The Graham I know spells his name McNicol.   The extra "H" and "L" are gratuitous and add unnecessary and obfuscating complexity, like too many channels on a TX.  8)

2. Re: WX, I do have a very warm relationship with the folks at NavCanada, and they were very generous in accommodating my request for an interesting backdrop for your flying.  I am glad they helped augment your enjoyment.

3. Re: solving all of the world's problems, I can't wait to hear how you solved me.  :D


Frank v B


Oops on the spelling of Graham's name.  Thanks for pointing it out Mr. Doffer. ;)

Re: NavCanada- So that's why.  They forecast bad weather when they don't want you in the air in full-size. ;)

World's problems?  Totally solved all of them.  Mr. Hoffer is unsolvable.  A perpetual challenge.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Frank v B on July 19, 2020, 06:12:57 PM

Oops on the spelling of Graham's name.  Thanks for pointing it out Mr. Doffer. ;)

Re: NavCanada- So that's why.  They forecast bad weather when they don't want you in the air in full-size. ;)

World's problems?  Totally solved all of them.  Mr. Hoffer is unsolvable.  A perpetual challenge.


Thank you so much @Frank v B .  I am totally flattered and take your remarks as the highest of compliments.  :D


Andy Hoffer

I'm not exactly sure what @Frank v B was doing at the field on Sunday, but early on Monday morning the field did bear a strong familial resemblance to the chaotic inside of @Frank v B 's van.  There were tree branches all over the parking lot and in the pits, some up to two inches in diameter!  Fortunately William Achong arrived and helped me with the clean up (see photos).  William and I were  astounded that Frank, our CFI and exemplar of good field behaviour, would leave the field in such a state, but I realized that Frank was still suffering the PTSD after-effects of a truly traumatic day working with me on a home repair project, so we really needed to cut him some slack and just pretend nothing had happened.

@WilliamA and I also had a great time doing a maiden flight of one of two of his grandson Joseph's "new" clipped-wing Piper Cubs ( which were generously donated by Don Kirkpatrick of the Morning Crew in celebration of Joseph's birthday.  The maiden flight was a total success, and I am indebted to William for trusting me with his grandson's plane.  It was a pleasure to fly, and the lingering sagely spectre of Frank assured my success.  8)
