Lot 5- Cullen Auction- Mini-Apprentice 1.2 m

Started by Frank v B, November 24, 2021, 10:39:58 PM

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Frank v B

Mini Apprentice for sale.  This is a 1.2m mini version of the popular regular Apprentice.
For details- from the GreatHobbies website:   https://www.greathobbies.com/productinfo/?prod_id=HBZ31000&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0bjjssiy9AIVxwiICR1CIABsEAAYASAAEgJaSPD_BwE

Joseph and William have used a similar plane to learn how to fly.  Main benefit: the batteries are cheaper.

Note the GreatHobbies price is north of $200.
This plane is still up at the cottage but Malcolm stated it was in good condition.  I believe him.*

Price: $60.00 which is a great deal no matter what condition it is in.

Please register on this post with a time stamp before Sunday, November 28 night 8:00 pm.
If there is more than one participant, we will draw a name.  If you wish to pass on it, that is your choice.  If the plane is in worse condition than I described, you get your money back and I will gladly buy the plane.  No risk in participating.


* Malcolm tended to buy a new plane once a crash was beyond his limited skill to repair it.  He did not fly junk...ever. (That's my job!  ;D)

"Never trade luck for skill"


Should I win the auction, I will need tips on how to hide yet another airplane from my wife.   :-X
Guy O'Reilly


My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!


Frank v B

Quick update:  The Mini Apprentice has floats as well.  Price stays the same.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

registration is closed.

Will hold the draw soon.
"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

BJ won the Mini Apprentice for $60.00

Thank you for participating

"Never trade luck for skill"


Guess I could save the hiding place for something else!  ;D
Congratulations to the Winner!