Looking for lost aircraft

Started by javiersnyder, June 02, 2024, 11:07:36 AM

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Hello, I lost my Artizan white with blue points, blown away in the west of the cornfield. If anyone finds it, please contact me.



Hi Javier

Please correct me if my information is wrong.

According to our records, you are not a member of TEMAC.

Our field is private property, and a sign at the entrance states such.

You are not allowed to fly at our club without: being a member of TEMAC, and without being a member of MAAC, and without having your federal pilot license, and without passing a club flight test, nor without proper insurance.

If I am wrong about your status at our club, I apologize. If I am correct, do not fly at our club under these current conditions.

If we find your plane, we will post it on this thread.
