Training Wed. June 5 2024- will be there 5- sundown

Started by Frank v B, June 02, 2024, 01:42:01 PM

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Frank v B

Training this Wednesday, June 5 starting at 5 pm.

I will be there regardless of the weather.

"Never trade luck for skill"


If the weather is good, I will be there and I'm bringing some free stuff to give away. Airframes, building tools, maybe some electronics.


Frank v B

A busy evening. Quite gusty and swirley, if that is a possible description.

- 7 students, 3 flight instructors and two transmitter jockeys (Paul and Mark).
Students were Maya, Small Mark, Victor, Omar, Tony, Jeff, Colin's son and Lot.
Instructors..with thanks...George, Simon H., YT.

Lot Leung received his "wings" with a very good flight.

Good to see Simon H. back after a 5 week trip polishing his English accent

Interesting: a large first aid helicopter circled the field at about 500' and landed behind the house to the east of Lysander forest, probably at the nursery and took off 10 minutes later. See photo.


"Never trade luck for skill"
