2200 mah 3S found in bean field!

Started by Wingnutz, August 02, 2012, 03:15:13 PM

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Found the above lipo in the bean field south of  Rogo, Sun. afternoon and it's still kicking and balanced. If you think it's yours, LMK what name, color and  manufacturer yours was. Now if someone can just find the DX8 and UMX Beast stolen Friday night out of my garage, I'll be happy too!


That's awful about your Beast and DX8. So sorry.


Sorry about your gear. That sucks. Greg was working with a student on the weekend when the battery ejected itself in that area of the field. I'll see if he can get the owner in touch with you.
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.

Eric Adventurer

Sorry to hear about your gear Greg. That really sucks.


I think that was the students battery.  I hear someone lost a battery...

That sucks that someone actually stole that stuff... Most people don't even know what a DX8 is!  ;o(


Keep an eye out for this stuff. Take the time to post serial numbers and advise local shops to be on the look out!  We have a good collective of people that provides a LOT of eyes. Sorry to hear of your troubles.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?

Eric Adventurer

Was there anything that made it stand out?
Also I would recommend checking Kijiji and Craigslist and if one goes for sale as this is where most of the stolen stuff ends up.



My friend, Loi lost a battery from his training Cessana 2 saturdays ago.

There's a good chance he will be training tomorrow night with Greg H.

If you can, please bring the battery tomorrow (Wednesday Training night) for him to id.
