Drone found in Whitehouse

Started by Oscar, January 26, 2015, 09:28:12 PM

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Because you would have all that money and can lord it over us peons!

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


At least until they get their info straight, which can be days, you're better off getting your news from the national enquirer, did a paper for social studies where I had to monitor initial reports from several agencies, then compare to how their own info changed days later. CNN was notorious and still is for jumping to be the first and reporting a 747 had crashed, only to figure it was a Cessna later.


 :o :o


I think the journalist does not know how to operate the drone yet trying to performing the demo indoor.

And in CBC, there was show about quadcopter (drone). Check it out.



The idiot can't fly nose in  ::)
Which probably is true for 99.9% of "drone" flyers who could not operate them without the GPS and flight controller doing everything.

Pat MacKenzie