2015-27 TEMAC Tickler, Doors Open Ontario, details.

Started by Papa, June 04, 2015, 04:19:11 PM

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A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Frank v B

Nice going Don.  Welcome to the Redeagle squadron of those builders who have flown their projects.  Thanks to all of those who spent time helping Don get to the maiden flight.  Michael and Jack will remain nameless. ;D

"Never trade luck for skill"


If anyone has 3 x M4 bolts could you bring them tomorrow please if you can. I need them for my Skywriter undercarriage.



Will volunteer to help out tomorrow morning with setting up.



Hi Guys
You all did a great job today.
From being at other places that I had visited waiting in line chatting with the other guests,
The RC planes were a hit. There was nothing but High praises for you all.
From the parking in good order, to the show which was moving at a good pace...
and you could tell the crowd was into it....
By the cheers or ..... you know when a plane meet mother earth with the wrong landing....
Very good show...

My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!
