Our Hangars

Started by Crazyflyer, May 22, 2015, 09:01:00 PM

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Well it has been almost a year since I started flying and Mike H. made the mistake of giving me wings.
My house now has planes, plane parts and hobby tools scattered all over, and although a year ago I told my brother that I don't think I will want more than two planes ("there is really no need for that!  :-\"), I now have 10 aircraft (although only five are currently fully air worthy).
I have now realized that this hobby of ours can be compared to either a fanatical religious sect that idolizes winged angels or a zombie sickness that devours planes rather than brains.
I constantly think about plane design, even dream about it.... I have caught this very contagious sickness from you people and my brother Eric was my initiating zombie that forced me to Rogo field .... thank you!!

Now the question is: is there an AA group available (as in Aircraft Anonymous)???

Nevermind, who is willing to share pictures of their hangars :o ?


Hi. My name is Simon and I'm an Aircraftaholic.


Quote from: sihinch on May 22, 2015, 09:07:33 PM
Hi. My name is Simon and I'm an Aircraftaholic.

"and I also have OCD" :) I wish I was so organized. I have piles.


So do I but mine are from sitting on my tush too much.


A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


I hear you Stephan.  I had the same problem.  When I first start with the hobby, The Apprentice is the only plane in my household.  Just like any beginner of learning how to fly, pilot errors happens.  And so I visit the LHS (Pinnacle) frequently.  Sometimes ordering the parts takes times to arrive.  And I thought, just like LIPO batteries, you can have second plane to fly while the Apprentice pending to be repaired.  Then 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th.... starts showing up in my house. 

Now with Quad, Boat, FPV car, FPV flying and taken the build class last winter,  it's going to get worst....


I think we should all thank Stephan for making us realize that it is normal to need just one more plane, no mater how many you have. Like Simon, I have a storage locker full, 6 more in the basement, and am going to A and J to pick up a 90 inch sailplane this weekend.
What could possibly go wrong?


A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"

Frank v B


re: "I now have 10 aircraft"

Only 10!!!  Slow or something?  :D

I have 40 airplanes and know full well that a good collection of airplanes is always one model short.  When my wife said that I probably have 50 airplanes I immediately replied "my objective is to be able to crash one airplane a week and last the entire year."  Didn't go over too well...but an honest answer. 8)

Cheaper than owning a horse, a boat or an exotic car.  Always compare it to a more expensive passion.

"Never trade luck for skill"


Well said Frank.  I shall repeat that statement on my next family meeting.  :D


So, if one wanted to take advantage of this thread, they would start posting for sale, the planes they could do without. Of course, if one did that, one would just end up buying something else that one................ NEEDED! (it is not a want, it is a need).
What could possibly go wrong?


Any one want a Parkzone SE5a?


I need to avoid this topic.


Oh dear....  :-[

Just I thought no more after the Spitfire, why HK offer me onetime deal.