Morning Crew BBQ - Last Thursday June 30th

Started by bweaver, July 04, 2016, 06:35:56 PM

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Having seen the pictures from this Sundays' past flying session and impromptu BBQ  posted recently in the Forum triggered me to want to raise the profile of the 'morning crew' within the TEMAC organization.

The 'morning crew' is a bunch of happy, organized, distinguished, tasteful, cheerful and cool group of the most outstanding and handsome gentlemen. (Women are permitted to attend, but few have dared to stay.)

Before posting this I was asked to remind other club members who may not know us or have yet to fly with us, that most, if not all of us have extraordinarily high levels of piloting skills.  These skills are reflected when you visit us exercising by traversing the fields and dells surrounding ROGO field and while appreciating the quality of the aircraft we fly and the state much of the aircraft are in.

On occasions we have the odd BBQ during the flying season.  These events are usually very successful unorganized activities initiated through emails and someone's bright idea. During our sessions at the field we fly, solve world problems and start some too.

The photo I was going to show you below was just one shot of some of the morning crew resting in the shade with full bellies trying to avoid the sun.  The sun has been known to interfere with our naps and can always end up being a great excuse for loss of control while flying.  Most of us have it figured out however, that the morning sun is usually at around the same place in the sky each morning at around the same time.  We can compensate for that now after having flown a few years in the morning.   

Anyway feel free to join us anytime. You don't have to be retired.  You can skip work if you like - we won't tell.  If you like to be criticized,  receive or provide lots of free and unwanted advice, you will fit right in. 

I hope to get a few photos to share with you in this post or some of the morning crew who read this may post their own photos directly.


Bruce forgot to mention that on occasions the morning crew participates in the exciting contact sport of combat. Here's a couple of photos captured by the camera ship of the combat action from Thursday's BBQ.


Great note!

Do you think you could water the grass a bit, when you're out there in the morning.  It looks like it needs a drink!  ;D


Noooooooo ...................

Dry flat grass is great for takeoffs and landings!


We had a great time at the Morning Crew BBQ last Thursday. Everyone brought something and our chef Bruce really knows how to cook those dogs on the grill. The weather was fantastic too. There was the odd crash but that didn't spoil anyone's appetite. Great food heals all. Here are a couple of photos of the smiling bunch just before our BBQ feast.


 ;D  Here's a photo compliments of John A. 

As you can see from the photo, aren't we a handsome crew?   ::)


Here's the video from this morning's combat session... Again, no clear winner yet.