Frank reporting from Holland

Started by Frank v B, May 15, 2017, 01:39:51 PM

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Frank v B


I am now at my sister's place in southern Holland getting ready for a family reunion tomorrow.

This Thursday I have been invited to a flying session with Ton van Munsteren who is the designer of the RedEagle powered glider that we used as a build class subject two years ago.  If  it rains.... which it often does here..... he invited me to visit him at home for coffee/tea.

Should be back in Toronto this coming Saturday.  You have been warned. ;D

Hope the rain stopped in Toronto.


"Never trade luck for skill"


Frank v B

yes, really cool.  He contacted me today because I missed yesterday's flying session and wanted to make sure we could meet.  Could not get into my e-mail account until just now .... because I needed the technical help of someone below the age of 16.  Just confirmed I am meeting with him tomorrow. 8) 8)

Happy flying at Temac.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

Last night my brother and I dropped by Ton van Munsteren's flying field and were graciously received.  Ton immediately set up his RedEagle and asked me to fly it.  As soon as I landed my brother said something to the effect "not bad for a guy's first flight".  Both of them then ganged up on me for the next flight of his new Speed 400 plane.  The comments were as if I were flying at Temac with Bruce, Simon, and Rob D. standing beside me.
Ton kindly donated a set of plans for his new plane for consideration for our fall build class.  I gave him 3 Flying Models magazines from 1953 that were donated by Ken Rawlins. 
My return flight is tomorrow at about noon so please fly low at about 3pm when we approach for a landing at Pearson.  No formation flying with model airplanes. ;D


"Never trade luck for skill"


Hi Frank,
Great you and your brother could find the time to visit our field, was really nice meeting you.
Even better knowing my models are still in one piece  ;D great fun seeing you enjoyed my models throwing them around the Dutch sky.   
Thanks for the magazines must admit that was spot on, I love everything that is vintage in model flying and they are even older than I am 8).
And don't forget to shake hand with Piker for me.
