Started by Oscar, July 11, 2017, 11:08:23 PM

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I noticed there are number of members who own a DXe radio.  It seems it's not as user friendly as our old DX4 or DX5. I was also curious how well it performs.  And so I decided to get one to try it out.  (I was able to obtain a second hand DXe thru RCC)

So far, here are my initial findings...

Horizon Hobby has number of DXe models.  One is the retail version with additional switches and features and the other is a basic version that usually comes include to a RTF model which without the additional switches and features.  The Basic version is already pre-programmed to the model that bundle together.  (For example my DXe originates from Blade 230s heli) Some hobby stores separate them and sell them individually.  This can cause lots of problem because if someone bought the Basic DXe which has pre-programmed the heli mode and decide to bind to a RC plane, it will create lots of confusion on the stick movement.

Unlike the old DX4/DX4e/DX5/DX5e, the DXe can be programme thru a PC or a cell phone.  You can (I was told) even select the DXe to be 7 channel or 9 channel radio thru the programming tool.  The radio runs a full range DSMX which means it won't work with the DSM2 R/X. 

To find out how it can program the DXe, I pick up the programming cable from Pinnacle (thanks again Ron :D)

To be continue...


The DXe has number of neat features.  But first, you need to upgrade the firmware.  To do so, goto Spektrum website and download the DXe 1.6 firmware.  (as of July 12 2017, that's the latest release).  The v1.6 firmware fixes lots of bugs, one of which is the ability to allow DX4 and DX5 series to buddy box (side note.  We had a training session earlier where one of our instructor tries to use the DX5 as buddy box to DXe and failed.  This explains why it won't work)  You also need to download the Spektrum Programmer tool v3.0. 

After you installed the Spektrum Programmer tool, launch the tool, plug the Spektrum programming cable to the back of the DXe. and plug the USB to the USB port.  Power on the radio and let the tool read the info from the DXe.

To upgrade the firmware, from the tool, click on Software Update.  Choose File. Pick the 1.6 you downloaded from the Spektrum website.  It will begin the installation.

The tool is just like our DX6/7/8/9/10/18/20 menu option.  The difference is you program the settings thru the PC (or the phone).  You save the setting at your PC (phone).  With that feature, you can have as many model settings and no longer limited by the radio memory.  However, there is catch on that.  Each done you import the model, you have to rebind the model again.  Also, there is no MIX programming or differential settings either.  Overall this is a $60USD radio.  To be fair, comparing with the old DX4 or DX5, it has more advance features.

Since my DXe comes from the Heli.  I have change it to Plane mode (thru Aircraft Type).  I also noticed thru the tool, I can setup the Throttle Cut, Dual Rate, Exponential, Reversing channels and Training mode. 

Here are the photos I took during the setup.


To reverse the channel, hold left and right gimbal to inner corner while powering it on.  You will see the lights start flashing.  That's means you are the programming mode.  Using the Aileron left and right to switch the Channel.  The number of flash means what channel you are at (e.g. 4 flashes = Channel 4). 

For Apprentice S, push the right aileron til you reach 6 flashes (CH6 = AUX1).  Pull the up elevator, to switch from normal to reverse.  Note the colour will change from Orange to Red.

When done, recycle the power of DXe.

Sidenote:  If you are unable to launch the programming mode from your radio, that means your radio firmware is too low.  You need to update the firmware to newer version (as of July 12 2017, v1.6)



This is the video to demo how to setup wireless training between the two DXe.
Notice the UM T-28 S is used for this demo.  But the setup will be the same for Apprentice S. (Both are using SAFE technology and both requires to reverse AUX1)


Frank v B

Thanks Oscar for your interest in solving the puzzle we had last Sunday morning at the field.  I admire your determination in solving a technical problem. :P

..... now here is my problem.  Horizon Hobbies has taken something that should be simple (a 4 function radio that moves a plane's surfaces or throttle proportionally to the input from the transmitter) and complicated the hell out of it where only one enterprising TEMAC member has the curiosity to figure it out.  The whole issue started when the buddy box did not allow the student to input "down" elevator.  That was programmed into the transmitter logic if you can believe it.

On two students' Apprentices now I have ripped the E-Flite RX's out of them when the SAFE mode could not be eliminated and replaced them with Orange RX's that worked perfectly fine.  Our job as instructors is to teach students how to fly and not have the airplanes teach them.

The guy who programmed the DXe logic was probably the same dude who programmed the flight computer for the A320 when it did the first test flight in an airshow in France.  The pilot wanted to do a slow flyby with the landing gear and flaps down.  The computer decided that since the plane was in a landing mode it would not allow the pilot to override the computer to throttle up and gain altitude.  It crashed into the forest.

They have never heard of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".  It wasn't broke (the surfaces moved fine) so they reconfigured it so no-one can understand it or use it safely.  No-one could figure out from the instruction booklet how to servo reverse on the DXe transmitter.  It was not in the instruction manual but it was on their website.  WTF!

You see me show up often with the old 72 meg transmitters.  I had 3 at the field last Sunday.  Never a brown-out issue, never a frequency issue 'cause only Andy and I use them and you can feel the location of the trim lever.  I have said this often  "as long as the airplane does as I ask it to on the transmitter, I don't care what language it speaks (2.4 or 72 meg)".

I am of the opinion we have taken two steps forward and 14 steps back.

I feel better now.... that I have stopped hitting my head against the wall. ;D


"Never trade luck for skill"


The DXe is a fine 4 channel radio just like the old DX4 or DX5.  But thru the programming tool, it unlock all the other hidden features.  For someone who start to learn how to fly a RC, with their prepogramme setup that bundle with the plane (RTF), it works great.  It just like the Corsair S with DX4e or the Apprentice with DX5e.  Those radio are pre-setup (DR/EX, Hi/Lo Rate) and cannot change the setting.  With the new DXe, it can do a lot more thru the tool.

For $60USD, it can perform similar to a $150USD DX6e.  (but you need to spend time to learn how use the tool)

The SAFE technology won't go away.  From the Apprentice S to the Corsair S, and the micros from Sport CUB S UMX to the yellow T-28 S UMX, you can see HH will continue to release model with SAFE technology (and the AS3X).  It work well as long we follow the setup instruction from HH.   :P