Gravel Delivery tomorrow

Started by gmcnic, July 31, 2017, 03:16:31 PM

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It was a lot of fun at the field this weekend.  The grass is in really good shape thanks to all the rain we've had.
Normally, the grass is dormant and does not require weekly cutting.  I hope it stays dry for a week or so as our grass cutter is on holiday for the next 2 weeks.

Tomorrow around 1 pm, I have arranged delivery of a truckload of gravel.
I will work with the driver to get him to dump-on-the-run as much as possible to minimize raking.
However, should anyone be able to join me for a little raking and rolling, it would be much appreciated.
Tools required = garden rakes and shovels.

The lane way might be blocked for about an hour right near the parking lot.

It's going to be hot, so bring lots of water if you are able to come out.



Hi Graham

I'll be there I just cant  get there until about 1:30 2:00
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!


That's great, BJ!
Thanks so much for stepping up.

I am going to bring a case of water.


With much appreciation to BJ, Richard B, and Rob D (new gran' pa), the gravel was put down filling the low spots in the parking lot and the lane way.  The truck arrived around 2pm and the work was done shortly after 3pm.  The driver did a nice job dumping-on-the-run.  He even drove up and down the lane way to compact it for us.  This left us to some raking 'n rolling and I think it looks excellent.

Techie stuff-  22, 860 kgs of gravel.

Please join me in thanking our great crew!



Thank you so much - the Fab Four!  I truly appreciate it.


Once again many thanks to Graham and to those assisting him with this important maintenance and improvement. 

Much appreciated.  :D


"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"

Frank v B

The driveway looked great and no more bottom scraping.


ps: was shocked that the corn was about 6" taller today (Wednesday) than Sunday when some of us (Michael, Rick and I) did the walk of shame to retrieve an airplane.  It is now close to 7 feet tall in places.

We need foam and balsa sniffing dogs! ;D

"Never trade luck for skill"