Considering flying tomorrow ...

Started by Michael, December 21, 2019, 12:55:40 PM

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The weather for tomorrow looks reasonable and the winds not too bad (for this time of year), and I'm considering flying at TEMAC.

How is the driveway, and would my planes be better with floats or wheels?



The driveway is good and you'll need floats or skis.  I have neither 4WD nor snow tires and had no problem with the driveway in or out.

I did, however, have floats and skis and, again, had no problem. :D

I'll be there around 1-ish.


I will lend you my wind charm...  It seems to work for me, but no promises.


1-ish sounds good. I'll confirm in the morning.


Just found out I have somewhere to be at 2.

I'll probably fly at 11-ish. I'll confirm in the morning.


I'll be flying around 11-ish. I hope others will be there too.


I flew by myself at about 11 am.

Driving in and out was easy. The temperature was about 3 degrees C, and wind was almost 0. There was a small amount of frozen snow covered by about 2 inches of soft powdery snow.

I flew a warwing on floats, and that was ok, and I flew (maidened) a new E-Flite Turbo Timber which flew great!


@Michael Flying a 11 qualifies you for the Morning Crew.

Wonderful to see your warwing on floats.  Yours is extra pretty with it colour scheme.  That makes 3 of them now.  (It is also nice to see you have Simon's mark on it, ready for next season's combat challenges.)

Sorry I couldn't make it out to play with you.  I had my Grandson's hockey game to go to this morning and other things have to get done this afternoon.

It looks like you are all set for and primed for New Years Day.  :D


A beautiful, and busy, flying day.  Little to no wind at 1pm and a cloudless sky.  A slight west wind kicked up later in the day... but that just made things interesting.


Looks like fun! Sorry I missed you guys!



The best I could do was honk at you guys!   With sheer jealousy...  :-[