New Age Combat with lasers and FPV!!!!!!

Started by VadimKirillov, May 03, 2021, 11:12:26 AM

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Simon and I tested the FPV Combat this afternoon. 

Here are the highlights


The full combat footage. Thank you Gil for the TPV footage. And Carlos as my spotter


Here's the raw footage from the first full FPV combat flight, taken from my Bixler yesterday, chasing Oscar's Apprentice.  It's so hard to locate the other aircraft and the problem is our planes are so manoeuvrable that direction changes cannot be predicted - they are instant.  But it was SOOOOOO much fun!   ;D

I couldn't let him get away at the end, and was out of ammo, so just had to ram him!!!!  Thanks @Oscar for being such a good sport.  :)

Thanks to Ray and Ben for being my spotters during the 2 combat sessions.  :)

I'll try to upload the second flight later....


So the combat is full contaƧt sport?!?  ;)
Great video.
Thank you for sharing.



We did another one last evening - after the student training.


Oscar & Simon,
While watching this with great interest I can't help but notice this  high tech Laser Gun combat is devolving into old fashioned  Ramming & Colliding matches with increasing level of damage inflicted on your models at each round.  It looks more and more like a full contact sport instead of air combat...  ;)

Maybe you can bring more dog-fighting realism into this by standardizing all players to the exact same model (say Bixler 1.1 or similar prop-free nose view plane)  that will be pre-set with identical limited throws on all control surfaces, resulting is more scale flight by limiting turn radiuses and maneuverability  ?

Or would that take all the fun out of it, without the ability to pull a '50G full scale equivalent' suicide turn into your opponent ?   :P


Thats what Simon and I discussed earlier too. 

One thing we noticed is the motor pausing doesnt seem much of the effect.  We are thinking to add the hit respond with the aileron.  So when it hit, the plane will rock plus the motor pausing.
Also, we are changing the throw (DR/EX) so its not so aerobatic. 

Simon also mentioning getting another Bixler.  But getting a brand new Bix seems a bit too much.

I suggest a second hand HobbyZone AeroScout. 

We shall see...