broken esc

Started by Noah, January 09, 2024, 10:20:36 AM

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good morning everyone hope your having a good day. i was discharging my batteries using my planes (battery charger didnt have storage mode) and i accidently pulled the red wire out of the battery connecter. is this fixable or do i need a new esc?

Frank v B



Looks like the gold bullet connector pulled out of the housing.  It can slip back in. 
If it will not, a new connector can be soldered on.  I have lots.
If it does not slip back in let us know and a member near you with a soldering iron can help..... as long as you are there to watch how to solder.*  On the road to learning.  ;)


* a soldering iron is $10.00 at Princess Auto when they go on sale.  You will impress the heck out of your father. ;D
"Never trade luck for skill"


Alright thank you for the help going to see what I can do with it when I get home.


That is the EC3 connector. You can pop the grey part off the orange part and re-solder the wire back to the connector. You will need to solder the joint back. I have a battery soldering iron. Maybe we can do it at the field together.


If it needs to be soldered, I can help Noah.
Also - A while ago I posted video on a soldering technique for battery and bullet connectors I found very helpful.
You never fail until you stop trying